One more month and 2024 turns over to 2025 and I've been writing this blog for much longer than previous attempts. Happy December to you and yours. It's evaluation time, we'll see what happens...
Monday, April 8, 2024
I bet you'd never guess ...
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Are you forsaking the fellowship of the saints?
The Challenge: is it fellowship or is it church?
Just this past week as the teacher/leader of a Bible Study of about 6 Senior women, I made a comment. During a rather long comment I said "I haven't been a member of a church for a long time". What I meant was, I had not officially joined a church. There are several reasons for that beginning with having been a Pastor in a denominational church of course I was a member officially.
After resigning from the official position I attended another church. I changed churches several times over 17+ years being faithful and very active in each church I attended. Recently I've been attending a small denominational church and the comment I made at first was I'm thinking I may actually join the church I've been attending." Then followed the above statement about not having been a member...!
A few moments later one of the group asked me how did I reconcile the scripture about not forsaking the fellow shipping of the saints. Hebrews 10:25 My comment was "I don't have a problem with it". I didn't really understand what she was asking. A short back and forth followed while I was trying to figure out exactly what she was asking me. I'm still not completely sure if she misunderstood my statement and was thinking I wasn't going to church or if adding a signature to a membership card or list meant not forsaking the fellow shipping of the saints.
Why talk about this? Because I think it brings up an important subject for understanding of exactly why we Christians go to church. What's the purpose of it? And what's fellow shipping and what's church attendance? Are they the same? Does it matter? I think it does.
So, here's my two cents.
Church is not a building! Church are the people who occupy the building. Do the people have to meet together in a building? No, we can meet anywhere and any day at any time. What is the definition of a church meeting or maybe what is the purpose of a church gathering as we currant day Christians understand?
Church: Generally an organized, planned meeting of believers with a well studied God, prayed up, called Pastor who will bring the Word of God to those in attendance. That being said, the particular Pastor may do so in a 3 point outline, with stories and examples to make the point. Other's may bring the Word of God as a lecture of sorts. There will also be as scheduled, the serving of communion to celebrate the Last Supper as Jesus directed the disciples. And Praise and Worship in song whether hymnals are used or choruses. In some churches, dance and flag waving all to offer praise and worship to our God. Prayer is offered by the Pastor as well as altar workers who pray for individual needs. The gifts of Holy Spirit participate in the gathering as in the New Testament, for healing, counsel, deliverance, encouragement of the believers, plus water baptisms, and testimonies, a call for salvation to those who are unsaved.
Depending on the denomination there may be other elements like announcements, baby dedications, Words of Prophecy in Tongues and interpretation, songs and spiritual songs.
Fellowship: Generally, Christians gather together to spend time in getting to know each other and to speak of things of faith, hope, love. Praying together for the concerns of those present, sharing of scriptures and allowing Holy Spirit to take part through His gifts in the people for one another. Depending on the host/hostess there may be a shared meal. May or may not be children present. May be held in informal surroundings in home, park, fellowship hall, etc. Sometimes there is a short teaching with participation from the group. More of a family atmosphere is present.
My thought is this: the forsaking of the fellow shipping of the saints means not spending time with the brethren of the faith whether it be 2 or more. Not assembling or gathering together with others of the faith.
forsake somebody/something (for somebody/something) to leave someone or something, especially when you have a responsibility to stay: to renounce or entirely turn away from. Forsake means to renounce or entirely turn away from something. Oxford Dictionary
“Do Not Forsake Assembling” Meaning
In this passage, the Greek word used for assembling is “episynagoge,” which suggests an official meeting. This could include worship, praying, reading, teaching, hearing, and studying the Word.
The spiritual reality and need of “do not forsake assembling” is more than an official meeting. It’s a call to be empowered by God and do life together. As the Body of Christ, we are to be living proof of a loving God to those around us. Hebrews 10:24 says, “… consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,” and verse 25 mentions “exhorting one another” (emphasis added)
Abundant Life Church
In Summary. Hebrews 10:25, “do not forsake assembling,” which means we are to assemble, but furthermore, it is a wise word written to protect us from the wiles of our enemy. When we assemble as the Body of Christ, we are to stir each other up in love and encourage one other in our faith. (Baptist organization)
What I believe: Fellowship is relationships between people and in the Church it is between fellow Christians. The elements involved are variable and in the Love of Christ as exhibited among the saints attending. Where 2 or more are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ there is fellowship. If one names himself a Christian and does not fellowship that Christian is forsaking the fellow shipping of the saints.
I'm Judy and happy to be writing this post this Saturday morning the day before Resurrection Sunday. Go celebrate and fellowship life forever more because of an empty tomb for He is risen. Amen
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
What a Surprise!!! An absolute Surprise! Unexpected and beyond my plan...
A lot has happened since my last writing and with all of that, I'm jumping to the now of it all. The IT is I'm moving May 1st out of my present place into the above half of a duplex. It's amazing to me.
I was in the midst of relinquishing my present apartment for 2 weeks while the new owner renovated my apartment,when things went down a different road than I expected in the process. I decided I needed to find another place to live so I started the search online as well as contacting realtors I know personally to be on the look out for a rental house not an apartment.
I got lots and lots of feed back and toured a couple of places when a particular senior complex came into view. As I looked at and considered house living and the cost and care, one of my realtor friends was pointing me towards a condo and suggesting other options other than a house. So, when the senior complex came to my attention I went out to look at it and toured one of the units. Turns out many of the units were a duplex that looked like two little cottages connected. Each having a pitched roof over the front porch with the porch looking like the porch of the house I spent the first 12 years of my life in.
So many things to consider in this whole process, and what I was looking for I thought, was a two bedroom, one bath house with a fenced yard and a carport or garage would be nice but not a deal breaker. The duplex that I toured had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an attached garage with a door into the living area, a dishwasher, builtin microwave and connections for a washer and dryer. I applied!
A consideration, a big consideration is that I'm low income and I have a choice voucher from the city housing authority which will pay a large portion of my rent so everything has to pass through them. I applied anyway. I just knew it was right. This morning I got the final approval and I move in on May 1st. Of course I know what was on my want list but...BUT when I was approved for a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment with a garage I was blown away.
The voucher reads 1 bdrm/1 bath. The apartment manager called the housing authority to clarify that and found that I am eligible for this apartment even though I'm a single person. I was and am astounded that I'm getting such a cute little place in a really nice complex, I have a yard I don't have to mow. I can have flowers outside as long as they are in containers, (because the mowers will mow over everything) and personalize the front and back porches. The kicker was the garage is included and I will be paying less by just a couple of dollars than I am currently.
The way I see it, it's all God's provision and He answered my request by giving me more than I actually asked for and my living expenses will not be as much as living in a house would have been. I am not bragging as in "look and see what I'm gonna be moving to." I am saying look what God has done for me with his unmerited favor. I haven't earned it, and it's not about me, It's about Him and His character.
I've struggled to make ends meet since my husband passed away 17 plus years ago and I see this as a gift from Father God just because he wanted to. So, I'm making all the necessary arrangements to move with packing and finding a mover I can afford and scrambling to work my budget so that I can pay all the deposits, and there are many, to get into the apartment on May 1st and it's coming together.
I don't have a picture of the outside of the building so that's why I posted the floor plan and hopefully next post I'll have a picture of how cute these little duplexes really are. The roads that lead to each of the duplexes is narrow and winding throughout, the complex and just adds to the "neighborhood" look of it.
That's it for this post. I've a lot of packing to do but I have time and I am gonna have some help as I go along. Thanks for reading. Please, take just a moment and leave a comment. I would love to hear from you. I've had just a few comments and they aren't from strangers and that's who I want to hear from.
I mean it folks, I truly would like to read what you say so find that place that says "comment" and just do it. And thank you very very much if you do.
Let me say this before I go. After reading this it sounds so simple and maybe even easy but not so. I've had to learn these last 17 years how to live on one paycheck. I was 60 when my husband passed away. We were living on my paycheck, his paycheck as a realtor, his military retirement check and doing pretty well. We had a 3 bedroom house in a nice area with a home owners association, a park and a pool in our housing development which was maybe 20 years old.
After my husband died, I tried to continue as a new realtor in taking over my husbands clients but I couldn't get my head together and I soon quit. I then tried working with a temp agency but couldn't seem to stay, and there were a couple of good jobs that I just walked off of. As life continued I finally gave up trying to work because for the first time in my life I couldn't hold a job, so after a couple of years I gave up and was down to just a Social Security check. I became low income, but I've done okay, it's not been an easy thing to do. I've struggled learning how to live within my means,
aware that I am getting below poverty level income and status. Today I'm a bit above the poverty income numbers.
I do know now from experience what so very many seniors have and are experiencing as aging starts really messing in your life and when you loose the ability to earn a paycheck, what a life changer it is. I'm one among many seniors that have and are in the same category since not being in a position to work a job and bring in a paycheck. It's not an easy transition, especially if you didn't plan for it, living in the moment. I'm exceedingly thankful as I write this post.
It's me, Judy and this time I'm sitting up in bed writing with Milo in his crate at the foot of the bed, in a place where I can see him. His door is open so he can choose to get in my bed if he decides he wants too. At 12:15 pm I'm saying goodnight and God Bless....Judy and Milo too!
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Change...interesting word, interesting outcome...makes life interesting!
Seems that all around me things are changing. Everything is changing. Since my last post...just the other know my housing has changed. Funny thing is happening on my way to April 15th this year, I'm changing to 80! Now there's a number! 80!
How does it feel? I dun-no! Actually, it feels great, absolutely great. Interestingly, I'm younger. Yes, younger. On the inside, still in my 30's, on the inside of my head that is. The body, well that's another issue. Though things are changing there too, my outlook on the whole thing is surprisingly upbeat. I'm the most comfortable with myself than I have ever been. I do things that I want to do. Want as in choose to do. Not from a selfish point of view but rather a considered decision based on is it a good thing for me and others to do what I think I want to do. That's a whole other take on living if you truly think about it.
In the past I did things because, I should...someone told me to...I had was the right thing to do...there wasn't a's what I always do, etc.. It's different now, oh, it's the same but the thought behind why I do what I do is different. I do consider the why of it. Truly, I think about why and do I really need to or want to or should I. I have a new freedom to choose. It was always there only now I'm brave enough to look at the choice. Seems like my choices now are acceptable to myself. In other words I'm happy with my choices more so now than before.
Why now?
Maybe because I've lived through so much life. You know, good, bad, hard, easy, life and death. I've been around the block so to speak. There's just not a lot of really new things going on around me that I haven't experienced in some way or another. Someone said "most crisis' last just 2 weeks." followed by "you can do anything for 2 weeks". Of course that 2 weeks isn't scientifically calculated but the idea is a good one. When all things are considered in any crisis how bad is it, all things considered? Of course that depends on what the crisis is, but think about it. Two weeks in time isn't very long at all. Only while you are in the midst of that 2 weeks.
Well, I'm talking about this because in just a couple of months I will turn 80 and I feel better now than I have in years in all areas of my life. I'm more at liberty in nearly all aspects that I can think of. I live alone which has great advantages if you don't get bogged down in being lonely, and that can be a decision to be made. I do pretty much what I want to do. I'm a crafter and I like to write and paint and build things. I've learned how to rewire a chandelier, work on a clock, build with power tools and repurpose things for my purposes. I don't do without much. If I need something I can usually make it and that is invigorating to me. I have a real tool box with power tools, a 3 step ladder, work gloves, paint brushes, sand paper and all kinds of things to use to make the things I want or think I need.
One day I decided I needed a foot stool so I made one out of a cardboard box an old pillow and material plus hot glue. It lasted several months until I got tired of it and threw it away. My friends think I can do anything...I can't, but I can do what they think they can't do. Because I think I can. Is what I do perfect, or will it last a life time, probably not but it does the job for me and that's all I need.
Part of my life now is attitude. I don't pay a lot of attention to what other's think about what I do or what I wear and stuff like that. Not anymore. Just that adjustment in my thinking has freed a whole aspect of life up for me. I choose to enjoy everything. I choose to laugh, make fun of hard things and say nice things. I choose to think good things and enjoy as much in a day as possible. I don't watch a lot of news or anything that is unpleasant. I already know about that side of life. I know it exists and I choose not to entertain it in my life. I pray about those things when I think I'm suppose to but I don't worry about things I can't change. I've learned to look to the written word of God in the Bible as my life guide and do what He says to do in life. He's got me covered and I know that so there's nothing for me to worry about. After all, He loved me first and has known me before I was in my mother's womb. He is after all the Creator of all that there is and with that in mind it's up to me to Love Him first above all else.
I'm Judy and I'm writing this from my new makeover bedroom/ craft room combo of which I'm delighted to be in this evening. Hope you are well where you are and content with your life. God Bless You and good night.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Boxes, boxes boxes-how to survive a forced move!
Friday, February 2, 2024
February 2024 Already!!!
February 2024 is already in process and it just keeps moving forward. Doesn't seem possible that the days should be allowed to move by so fast. It's actually always like that unless there's there's something pending up ahead you can't hardly wait for. Like Christmas, Birthdays, meeting someone special, or going somewhere special. When those pending things are, well, pending time seems to go so slow. Otherwise I don't know about you but I seem to wake up and notice it's another weekend ahead and what happened to those days in between.
So why this subject today...As my apartment complex continues to be renovated, everywhere I look, there's construction and heavy equipment, worker men everywhere. New, air conditioners per apartment, new roof over every apartment, front and back paint job, movers moving belongings from apartments to pods and back again. My apartment belongings are almost completely packed for Tuesdays move out. After my belongings are in storage I will go to a motel for 15 days. If that really happens, It's supposed to because she promised she would find a place for me and Milo.
I will spend 15 days in a motel and I plan on making it a vacation of sorts. Spending time doing a puzzle or two, writing, hot tub every day, free breakfast every morning and a walk with Milo and depending what the motel grounds are like. No Bible Study on Tuesdays, not even church on Sundays. I will be on vacation. Haven't done vacation in several years.
I bought a stroller for Milo so if it arrives in time we will take walks and he will go with me in the mornings to breakfast and to the pool. This whole renovation has been very stressful on all the residents in our complex. When it's over there will be redecorating and much fun and I'm looking forward to 18 days from now.
I need the time off.
🖼I must be winding down at the prospect if relaxing because I can't think of anything else to say. I am gonna attach some pics of my stacked boxes for the movers to take away on Tues.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Controversy: hymns or choruses? Then or now?
"David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod." 2 Samuel 6
Just a loin cloth, nothing more. David's wife was distraught to say the least that he, David would uncover himself before the eyes of his servants' maids, as any vulgar fellow might shamelessly uncover himself/" (2 Samuel 6:20) David replied, "It was before the Lord...I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes"...David's wife had no children, which likely meant to communicate that God took David's side. The time the nation's leader danced in his underwear (blog)
I hear every once in a while about how hymns are so much better than the choruses sung now all over the world. I'm listening to Hillsong at this writing. My husband and I went to Christ For The Nations (CFNI) in Dallas, Texas and graduated in 1987. We were in our early 40's, the rest of the student body were 18-30 with just a few of the older generation.
I grew up, for the most part in the Methodist Church singing hymns. In the '80's I was introduced to choruses. My husband and I graduated from CFNI and walked into our first small church as pastors in Oklahoma. A beautiful blonde baby grand piano was placed at the front of the pews, as is normal. The thing is no one knew how to play it. Our congregation numbered 7, all older than their new pastors. We were faced with a "situation" that was not covered in our training. Yes, there were hymnals, very old hymnals but we just left our school that only sang choruses.
Of all the things I had dreamed of doing in our church when we got that far it wasn't to be the song leader. I recognize that's old terminology...I do. So, how did these two new pastors handle this "situation"? We decided that I would be the Praise and Worship leader and we would sing choruses and an occasional hymn. Our new congregation loved it! I mean they were thrilled to sing new songs. Songs with scripture as part of the verse. It was the right time for them and though a momentary challenge for me (us) it was good. Did I mention it was all acapella? That beautiful blond baby grand piano never accompanied our Worship time. In spite of the challenges in our very first church, the church grew and then grew as we sang without a piano and singing choruses and an occasional hymn.
Here's the thing. There are some that believe the Praise and Worship of today is disrespectful and not songs of Praise and Worship because they are not in a hymnal. I've also heard it's because the same words are sung over and over and over again to no apparent end. What I say is not the end of the discussion, I know that, but it is my thoughts based on my experience as a pew sitter and as a Praise and Worship leader. I have experienced both kinds of praise and worship through song and with and without musical accompaniment.
My belief is, that it is not the song or the words or the writer or a hymnal that bring an individual in to the presence of God. One style is not the better or the best. Both are am means to offer our heart to our Creator in thanksgiving. Our Praise and Worship of Him with all that is in us is our purpose. It is our individual heart that God sees as some make a joyful noise and others beautifully sing out of our heart and our love for our maker. That is what I believe God listens to and receives.
We individually can certainly have preference over the style of song we sing. I personally love both, some of each depending on the moment and what's going in my heart. However, is it really important to say that what WE like is the BEST and the better way to sing the praises of our God? Is our individual preference the best for everyone, each one? How could one individual possibly know what is best for another heart. How could I tell you that in order to get it right you must sing what I prefer because it will relay whats in your heart to the lover of your soul the best way? Do we know the heart of the one who stands next to us in the pew? Can we really tell them how they should talk or sing to God? Or even THE way to praise and worship God? Can we?
When I am worshiping my God, I'm not thinking about anyone else or whether or not someone else is even listening or paying attention to me when they are singing too. It is a private time even though I may be singing the same words as everyone in the congregation, I am in His presence and my song is to Him and for Him.
I say in this writing...prefer what you like as long as it ministers to the Father in Heaven through the song you sing from your heart. Give the same choice of preference to every believer in the Body of Christ without a competitive heart before the Father. We don't get to certify that one style is THE style God honors. That's not His character nor should it be ours. God's heart is for us to love him first above all other gods and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. It doesn't mean our neighbor is like us at all, it means we love them, respect, and encourage them to be all they can be in we do for ourselves.
Love is always the answer. I'm Judy, writing on my laptop from my red recliner on this Sunday evening. My you be blessed and rest in God's favor over you.
My newly planted Christmas Cactus bloomed for the first time. It was just a cutting from a friend.
Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this or any thing you find on my blog. I'd love to hear from you.
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