Saturday, January 6, 2024

And we are in...2024


Are you glad it's over?

I find it seems to always be a bitter sweet time when the new year is present and all the decorations seem to have lost their luster. Sometimes, in some years, there seemed to be an urgency to take all the decor down and pack it away as quickly as possible. This year it's a different story at my home...

I reside in what use to be a Senior Citizen complex and that recently changed to a family complex along with new ownership. In addition to new owners, a new community designation has come with complete renovation of the entire complex. The whole process had a slow start in mid Summer with much confusion and misinformation given out to the residents bringing an unsettled atmosphere among the residence, self included.

Today January 7 I have begun a 30 day packing process which will end February 6. On that day movers will come and remove all the boxes I've personally packed  of all my belongings and my furniture and remove it all to a pod for storage. The team of renovators, that is: painters,  those who will remove cabinetry and appliances. Carpenters, electricians and plumbers will begin work inside my apartment which will last approximately 8-9 days.

While the team works daily from 8 am-5 pm I will be out of my apartment with my dog.  Doing what? Well Milo will stay at Petsmart's Doggie Camp for each day and I will be footloose and fancy free. At 5 pm every day Milo and I will return to the apartment and spend the night leaving the next morning by 8 am. We will sleep on an air mattress on the floor, have a chair, a lamp, a TV and personal items for showering plus food and water.  There will be no curtains and possibly no window covering at all, no refrigerator or cook stove for a while.

Best case scenario is that there will be a refrigerator hooked up and a toilet plus bathtub/shower for use.

The workers will install new laminate flooring. Do not know what color it will be. Painters will paint everything bright white. New ceiling light fixtures as well as new kitchen cabinetry and appliances, new bathroom vanity and toilet will all be installed.  2" white blinds on all windows and new door hardware with new bolts and locks on the outside doors. All within 7-9 days. 

Life will certainly be adventuresome from here on until I'm settled back in my apartment with all my stuff to put away. I am looking forward to re-decorating in a whole new way. That will be fun.

So for today? Packing! I make a box run to United Mkt St. for milk boxes, the best size ever if you are doing all your own packing because they are small enough for a single senior woman to handle. My little car can handle 12 boxes a trip. I also have a friend who picks up boxes for me and brings them as she can. I buy tape and shrink wrap and paper as needed along the way. So far I've spent approx $50 on packing materials. I hope to be reimbursed for money spent but I don't know about that yet. My apartment is filling up with boxes in every room and there's about half left to go. do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time and so everyday I pack some boxes. Some days more boxes than other days but it's gonna be done by February 6th, I have no doubt. Oh, and I have to remove all nails and curtain rods and hooks in the walls and also shelves that I've put up.

I did ask if when my things are moved back into my apartment if I can put shelving back up and the answer was yes.

Let me just say this about that!!! My take on the whole thing is this...I might as well look at it as an adventure and enjoy all the differences it's introducing into my daily living as this whole project plays out for me and look forward to the blank canvas I will have to set up a new living space with much thought and creativity this "adventure" requires of me.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--thing about such things." Philippians 4:8  (this is how to keep one's sanity during such adventures!!)

Until next time...I'm Judy in my red recliner writing while Milo is asleep in his crate with the door open.

May you and yours be richly blessed in this new year of 2024 through the Love of Jesus Christ. "He is the way, the truth and the life..." John 14:6

Sunday, December 10, 2023

It's nearly Christmas Day and counting...

 Hi and Merry Christmas!

A short post just to let you know I'm around and so very busy with the season. Made some cards today and wrote them myself...

on the front in handwriting

    In the beginning, God had a plan for mankind...

                    To live and not die.


    When there seemed to be no way...

            Jesus made the way...

    From the manger to the cross.

            A second opportunity to choose life was born

In a manger and was nailed to a cross

            And rose from death to life 


    The second opportunity to choose life forever.

        Glory To God in the Highest!

                    Merry Christmas

Well, I thought it was memorable and done on a white multi media card stock

on the front of this card is a wreath in water colors

all the writing is on white paper torn around the writing and glued on the white card.

Looks very dramatic and if I were good enough to be able to get the picture off my phone and onto this page, you'd get to get the full effect of the artistry of it.  I just made a few to hand out and not mail to some special friends.

The sentiment of the card is for you too!

Merry Christmas

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Almost 18 years later...

Dedicated to those who need it. A post I wrote November 4, posted on a blog in January 2007.  

Welcome back.

Less than three full months from beginning to end.  It is clear that our emotions were tossed to and fro by the ongoing changes in Skip's emotions, state of mind, and physical condition.  Having no real advance notice of the next change.  While dealing with the current issues the next phase was already moving in and so it went.  Never a warning or indication that things had changed when we were looking the other way.  Somewhere in there was a struggle to remain sane.  To hold out for hope.

I prayed for healing.  Complete deliverance from both the tumor and the cancer in his kidney.  Always tacking on the end of the prayer, "but your will be done".  To this day I don't know how to do that, how can you pray a prayer with faith and certainty that is double minded.  I was covering my bases, trying to agree with God's plan, what ever it was.  Did I believe he could heal Skip completely, yes, did I think he was going to, no.  Simple as that.

Even today I don't what I would have done if my girls hadn't stepped in and taken up a banner.  Each doing what they do best in each situation and circumstance.  I was kept busy like a robot, moving from one thing to the next, unaware of changing gears, unaware of making decisions.  In some situations I hid and in others I looked as though I was on top of things but in reality, inside, I was operating as though I was in another world.

I do remember not knowing what to do.  I was looking for direction, listening for answers.  And, this was about every little thing that happened throughout each day.  We had a memorial service and the girls orchestrated the whole thing.  They each came to me asked me questions about what I wanted and if what they had decided was okay with me.  It was the right thing to do.  Before we stepped out the doorway to walk into the sanctuary and take our seats I took off my wedding rings and gave each of the girls one ring.  I wanted to be without the wedding rings from then on.  You know, I can't really explain anything I did or any decision I made during those days.  Even trying to remember now is like watching a movie.  Watching someone else.

I want to add here, before I finish this entry, a comment that continues to be part of my story.  I don't know how anyone makes it through such a life altering event with out knowing Jesus as savior, God as creator and Father, and the Holy Spirit as comforter and so much more.  Without them holding me together and ministering to me all along the way I cannot imagine how I would have survived it.  Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And, thank you for reading.  Blessings....Judy

I guess I thought it good to re-post this particular post from days gone bye because this is such a bitter sweet time of year for so many of those of us who have either lost close loved ones or are going through difficult issues during the months of November-January. For real, you can make it and there is life after you get through this season no matter what the circumstances. A common saying but true, If I could make it so can you! 

I was looking for a thought to write about and an old post from a blog I had in 2006 happened to catch my eye. The holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most memorable for most of us. Whether good or not so good memories they seem to be apart of this season, year after year.

As you can tell, I hope, I have come through those days and the immediate years that followed. I have life again. I mean I'm alive in heart, mind, body and spirit. I live everyday with a love for the day before me and full of expectancy. I'm a different person now and I like who I have become since January 2006. So, for the readers of this post, that it doesn't apply to you, please be sensitive to those around you who might be in such a place. 

This post is entirely personal and personally lived. I hope it helps!

I'm Judy in Gramms Cottage, writing after midnight on a Saturday morning. Please leave a comment, I'd love to know what you think.

This is Thor a large soft cat with personality. He lives with a friend of mine.

Friday, October 27, 2023


A day trip to the University Museum with a bus load of Seniors. As you can see, I fit right in with the exhibition of dinosaurs....

Trying to concentrate on my next book writing title "6 Ways to Regularly Get God's Blessings" takes discipline! Takes tenacity, perseverance and time! BTW that's the temporary name of the next book. I read somewhere from an established author that it's best if an author doesn't give out information about the next or current book that is in process.

The cool thing about this effort is what I'm learning about how tender God's heart is for those who heart who love Him. 

And...I'm not entirely sure how the next one will be financed. I have thought I could step out and try to get one of the big 6 to publish it. Though I certainly am neither a known author nor a best selling author. Besides that, there are certain stringent requirements to even getting a manuscript in position to be even accepted or looked at or considered or even to get them to open an envelope with a manuscript inside.

Then there is a required person (I forget what that person is called) that makes sure what you submit is perfect and coaches through the entire process.

Besides doing it that way there is always a free book publish opportunity through Amazon and I haven't really looked into all the details with that. But of course I have to get further along with the book to do anything at this point. Anyway, I'm busy writing and also keeping up with my normal life activities. Which includes feeding and walking with Milo twice a day. Once after his breakfast and once after his dinner. That's daily.

I usually end up writing in the evening and even into the early morning hours. I'd say 65% is general writing from what I've learned as I study and research the topic and the rest is scripture which is the basis for the general writing. You know that if one wants to the scripture can support almost any point of view you take on most any given subject. There are those who put their teachings and sermons together in such a way as to support their opinion.

I truly hope that I don't do that. I'm aware of the possibility. I can't be totally positive that I don't do that but I don't set out to do things like that. There's a serious accountability I think, to writing about God and the scripture to be sure it's correct and not abused to support something that is not according to God's character. What I'm thinking about this line of conversation is that one can get so caught up in trying to convince a reader to accept their way of interpreting God's intent or meaning and that's when the scripture is found after the idea is written, to support the idea.

It is not hard to write like that. The next book is based pretty much on the first two commandments and 1 Corinthians 13. Those two scriptures (or three), are about God's kind of love. Oops, there I go, spilling the beans. Okay, that's all I'm going to say about the next book. 

I have considered writing a biography but not sure what benefit it would be to the reader and I want whatever I might get published should be helpful in some regard. My life did a complete turn around in 1975 and from that starting point I've moved forward and have a purpose and there's a plan that is working and it will until I move on up. 

May sound strange to some but as I get older, year by year, it is clearer to me that there is purpose and reason in and for my life and it's not just exciting but energizing and entirely fulfilling. I wake up knowing something is going to happen that day that will be totally outside my realm of expectations. Some in my age group are satisfied to do as little as possible on a daily basis. A few stay in their pj's most of the day, most days. To those I've talked to regarding daily activities and encounters with others have decided that that's just the way it is because they don't see that they have any usefulness left. Family has pretty much moved on in life and that individual has little or in some cases no contact from their immediate family. There has also been no expectation of future friendships to be made.

Just because the age numbers keep rising and the hair turns white and wrinkles have or are beginning to take over doesn't mean that life is done. I admire some of the ladies I've met who just keep moving, keep fixing their hair and face, even if their day is spent only in the garden or in a chair knitting or whatever it is they find to do. Then, when the weekend arrives, they are up and out on Saturday, yard sale shopping and come Sunday they are on time to Sunday School and Church with their Sunday best on and an eagerness to greet everyone they see.

 I love the stage of life I'm in and I have great things ahead of me, both here and there. This is Judy in the cottage with Milo who, once again is on his round pillow asleep. I hope you had a good day and Blessings for Saturday and Sunday ahead. Good night

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

There they were, on my doorstep...

I'd been waiting, anxiously seemed like a long time to me. I opened the door to leave for Sunday School this past Sunday morning and there in the way of the storm door was a somewhat smashed brown cardboard box. At the moment I picked it up I couldn't think of anything I was expecting.

I didn't read the label except my name. I had to get out a craft razor blade to use because the box was crumpled around the opening. I carefully slit the cardboard in a way as not to cut anything inside because, remember at this moment I don't know what's inside.

Oh my goodness, it's my book! 5 of them as promised! And it's even better than I thought. Just the right size too. A short read as books go at 147 pages. I took a book with me to give to the church librarian for her to determine whether or not she would shelve it in the Church Library. Also took a copy to give to my grandson to take home to the family. At this point, I'm still stunned! Why? The reality of the book in hand and now, now I'm a published author.

At my age? 79! Yes! So here's the scoop on where and how you can get a copy.

this link will give me the best of the royalties.

The book is a print on demand POD so it can be ordered at Barnes and Noble for a soft cover or a Kindle e book.

The book is on Amazon for both the soft cover and e book.

"Without Spot or Wrinkle" by Judy Chase

What it's about...

 Christians and non Christians are hearing and seeing in print about the Second Coming of Jesus. Revelation, the last book in the Bible, is being discussed and the end of life as we know it is written about. Some say this could be it. 

Ephesians 5:27 "that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing...". Jesus is returning for his Bride (the church) in her dress without spot or wrinkle. Revelation 19:8 "And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints". The soon return of Jesus is a now topic because of the state our world has transitioned into. Are we in the last days of the existence of the world as we know it? Is what's written in Revelation happening now?

A valid question today, is the Bride ready for him? She, the Bride is suppose to be dressed in a white wedding dress that is without spot or wrinkle. This book is a non-fiction book challenging believers and non believers everywhere to take note of their individual participation in the state of the bridal dress. Are they truly loving their neighbor, themselves and their God? The number One command is to love their God with all of their heart and to love their neighbor as they love themselves. 

Could it be that in spite of what is talked about in Jesus coming soon, the soon of it maybe dependent on the wedding dress? Could we be, collectively, as members of the Bride of Christ, The Church, holding up the return because of the first and second commandments? The book discusses the possibility he could be waiting for us. Matthew 25:5 "But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept." 

The non believer will be challenged as well by reading of a God who loves, and has relationship with his followers, and who's only requirement is to acknowledge his Son Jesus, and accept the Christ as their only Lord and Savior. The reward is a Loving God and immortality with him in a wonderful, place he has made for all those who love him.

That's it for this post. I'm so ecstatic about this book and that it's in print as I write this post in the cottage on a Tuesday evening in Texas. Hope you have a great rest of the day you are in and the ones that follow and of course that you will buy the book and read it! This is Judy at the pc

as Milo sleeps on his big round pillow.

(the back of the book)

Saturday, October 14, 2023

One of those days...

 I'll ask but I know the answer. Have you ever had one of those days when it seems like all that comes to mind is: my friends are against me; I never hear from my family; Why can't I ever do anything right; I feel so all alone; why doesn't anyone ever call me; and all the shoulda's, woulda's, coulda's...? Ever had one of those ? or two or maybe a week or month?

All through my life seasons, those days have popped in and out of my thoughts. They seem to come from nowhere and everywhere. Seems like out of the blue, I'm just fine, no problems and then there those thoughts are. Well, guess what? I actually have an answer and even a means to get rid of them. So, here it is.

Several years ago I came across a book titled "Battlefield of the Mind". In this writing the author gives examples of just what I started this blog with, all those unwanted thoughts. You may or may not be familiar with the author but I have actually learned from her book how to not just control the popping in and out of such negative and sometimes debilitating thinking. The author hits the nail on the head about where the thoughts come from and how to get rid of them and even the fact, yup, fact that we don't have to think those thoughts. Joyce Meyer is the author of this relevant book. I keep the book and refer to it as needed and I loan it out. That's where it is now.

Just a couple of days ago, later in the day the thoughts I'm talking about began to very slowly present themselves to me. For a while I allowed them, even considered and got somewhat emotional about them and then...I realized! 

First thing to understand in my case I was unusually tired. Vulnerable to such emotional thinking as I this day. I didn't just think about one scenario but several different instances that I didn't think I was important to the ones I thought I should receive additional care and attention from. The thoughts continued to become a problem in that a tear rolled down my cheek...

It was that tear that got my attention. I realized what had been happening and what was going on in my thoughts. All negative. In each area, there wasn't anything I could do to fix anything. That was another attention get'er. That's when I said, "self, just stop, stop with the thoughts"!  I absolutely changed my mind. You can do that! Yup, you can! Sometimes it can be more difficult any you have to be tenacious, but if you are a believer in Jesus then you have help. 

All throughout the Bible are the words "ask". To go along with that word are the words "I will answer". Lots of people look at God as a man and refer to him as "the man upstairs". But, he is not a man. He is God and he doesn't lie. Man does that, Satan who is the father of lies does that...but God does not lie. Not ever. Not even once has he lied. So, if you ask for help, he will answer.

First things first, you don't have to think on everything that pops into your mind.                               Second, change your mind. Think about something pleasant. (ya have to be persistent)                      Third, ask

It's easy to think we are the only one going through tough things. That's just not true. If you are having a hard time, with anything, there's always someone who has been there before you. Just knowing that can help defray the intensity. Then if you start talking about it, that also helps you hear what you are saying, which in turn helps to think about what you are saying and does what you are saying make sense? 

I have a really good friend who is my sounding board. Most of the time she doesn't have any comment. She just let's me talk. I usually hear what I've been thinking and realize that some of it just is unimportant in the scheme of things. 

Hope this is helpful for someone. Thought it somehow needed. The Joyce Meyer book "Battlefield of the Mind" is highly recommended by many and by me.

This is once again Judy...Published Author ;) at my new computer arrangement in the cottage. Blessings as you come and go throughout the week ahead.


Friday, October 6, 2023

Oh What a Beautiful Morning...

 Every morning Milo and I go for a walk around the apartment complex we live in. This particular morning the air was just a little bit crisp! So out of the ordinary for this year's SW Texas Summer temps. A wonderful indicator of the changing season. It's been a hotter Summer than last year, even the cotton crop shows the result of days and days of over 100 degrees. Welcome Fall, to Lubbock, Texas. We are all glad you're here.

These are beautiful days but there is a bit of an anxious feeling in the air around me.  I keep thinking that there will be an email announcing that the book is ready. But, there are still a few hurdles between then and now. There's so much ahead of me when the book actually is in my hand and it's all unknown to me. I love adventure and even the unknown ahead brings a bit of excitement along with just a tad of "can I do this?", and yet I know I can because He is going before me, actually has already paved the way through the marketing aspect. So, with pending eagerness, I wait!

In the mean time my new to me refurbished PC died with a audible bang and I sent it back to the refurbisher today and the refund will be back into my bank account fairly soon.  One thing has led to another and I've decided to hook up my computer monitor to my Acer Chromebook and use what I have to continue to write my next book.

Oh, have I mentioned there is another one cooking in my head and heart? Anyway, I have  MicroSoft Office on the Chromebook which is what the publisher wants the manuscript typed in for their publishing purposes. It's gonna work just fine for my purposes and won't be out any monies for a computer.  And, I know whose provision it is and I'm thankful that He provides the ideas to "just keep swimming". (a "Nemo" reference) 

I just have to say this because it's part of what's going on in my life at 79. So, this is it...I'm so amazed that this is happening at this time in my life. I do think I've been prepared through the years for where I am now and for however long it lasts, I'm loving the challenge. Life is exciting and each day is great to wake up to.  

Speaking of imagination, I've bought and gotten ride of several 2 drawer file cabinets over the past 10 years and I just bought another...because I don't have one right at the time I found the one I now have. It was a pale blue with white handles and it is now white with white handles. I cleaned it up, spray painted it white and it's in it's place with files in the drawers! Now maybe I will be able to find things. I got it at the ReStore for $8.00 on sale. Yes the drawers work just fine...I thought you might be wondering...

This has been a long post and it's getting late and I'm calling it a night. 

I'm Judy in the cottage with Milo curled up in his round bed sleeping and I'm heading there too, to bed that is.  God bless you one and all. Thank you for reading this entry. I've enjoyed writing. And, please leave a comment, it let's me know you are out there and what you are thinking.  'Til next time. Don't forget to breathe now and then.

2025 changing of the year!