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Showing posts with the label seniors

Are you forsaking the fellowship of the saints?

  The Challenge: is it fellowship or is it church? Just this past week as the teacher/leader of a Bible Study of about 6 Senior women, I made a comment.  During a rather long comment I said "I haven't been a member of a church for a long time". What I meant was, I had not officially joined a church. There are several reasons for that beginning with having been a Pastor in a denominational church of course I was a member officially. After resigning from the official position I attended another church. I changed churches several times over 17+ years being faithful and very active in each church I attended. Recently I've been attending a small denominational church and the comment I made at first was I'm thinking I may actually join the church I've been attending." Then followed the above statement about not having been a member...! A few moments later one of the group asked me how did I reconcile the scripture about not forsaking the fellow shipping of the