The Challenge: is it fellowship or is it church?
Just this past week as the teacher/leader of a Bible Study of about 6 Senior women, I made a comment. During a rather long comment I said "I haven't been a member of a church for a long time". What I meant was, I had not officially joined a church. There are several reasons for that beginning with having been a Pastor in a denominational church of course I was a member officially.
After resigning from the official position I attended another church. I changed churches several times over 17+ years being faithful and very active in each church I attended. Recently I've been attending a small denominational church and the comment I made at first was I'm thinking I may actually join the church I've been attending." Then followed the above statement about not having been a member...!
A few moments later one of the group asked me how did I reconcile the scripture about not forsaking the fellow shipping of the saints. Hebrews 10:25 My comment was "I don't have a problem with it". I didn't really understand what she was asking. A short back and forth followed while I was trying to figure out exactly what she was asking me. I'm still not completely sure if she misunderstood my statement and was thinking I wasn't going to church or if adding a signature to a membership card or list meant not forsaking the fellow shipping of the saints.
Why talk about this? Because I think it brings up an important subject for understanding of exactly why we Christians go to church. What's the purpose of it? And what's fellow shipping and what's church attendance? Are they the same? Does it matter? I think it does.
So, here's my two cents.
Church is not a building! Church are the people who occupy the building. Do the people have to meet together in a building? No, we can meet anywhere and any day at any time. What is the definition of a church meeting or maybe what is the purpose of a church gathering as we currant day Christians understand?
Church: Generally an organized, planned meeting of believers with a well studied God, prayed up, called Pastor who will bring the Word of God to those in attendance. That being said, the particular Pastor may do so in a 3 point outline, with stories and examples to make the point. Other's may bring the Word of God as a lecture of sorts. There will also be as scheduled, the serving of communion to celebrate the Last Supper as Jesus directed the disciples. And Praise and Worship in song whether hymnals are used or choruses. In some churches, dance and flag waving all to offer praise and worship to our God. Prayer is offered by the Pastor as well as altar workers who pray for individual needs. The gifts of Holy Spirit participate in the gathering as in the New Testament, for healing, counsel, deliverance, encouragement of the believers, plus water baptisms, and testimonies, a call for salvation to those who are unsaved.
Depending on the denomination there may be other elements like announcements, baby dedications, Words of Prophecy in Tongues and interpretation, songs and spiritual songs.
Fellowship: Generally, Christians gather together to spend time in getting to know each other and to speak of things of faith, hope, love. Praying together for the concerns of those present, sharing of scriptures and allowing Holy Spirit to take part through His gifts in the people for one another. Depending on the host/hostess there may be a shared meal. May or may not be children present. May be held in informal surroundings in home, park, fellowship hall, etc. Sometimes there is a short teaching with participation from the group. More of a family atmosphere is present.
My thought is this: the forsaking of the fellow shipping of the saints means not spending time with the brethren of the faith whether it be 2 or more. Not assembling or gathering together with others of the faith.
forsake somebody/something (for somebody/something) to leave someone or something, especially when you have a responsibility to stay: to renounce or entirely turn away from. Forsake means to renounce or entirely turn away from something. Oxford Dictionary
“Do Not Forsake Assembling” Meaning
In this passage, the Greek word used for assembling is “episynagoge,” which suggests an official meeting. This could include worship, praying, reading, teaching, hearing, and studying the Word.
The spiritual reality and need of “do not forsake assembling” is more than an official meeting. It’s a call to be empowered by God and do life together. As the Body of Christ, we are to be living proof of a loving God to those around us. Hebrews 10:24 says, “… consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,” and verse 25 mentions “exhorting one another” (emphasis added)
Abundant Life Church
In Summary. Hebrews 10:25, “do not forsake assembling,” which means we are to assemble, but furthermore, it is a wise word written to protect us from the wiles of our enemy. When we assemble as the Body of Christ, we are to stir each other up in love and encourage one other in our faith. Bible.org (Baptist organization)
What I believe: Fellowship is relationships between people and in the Church it is between fellow Christians. The elements involved are variable and in the Love of Christ as exhibited among the saints attending. Where 2 or more are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ there is fellowship. If one names himself a Christian and does not fellowship that Christian is forsaking the fellow shipping of the saints.
I'm Judy and happy to be writing this post this Saturday morning the day before Resurrection Sunday. Go celebrate and fellowship life forever more because of an empty tomb for He is risen. Amen