Showing posts with label Senior Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senior Women. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Crafting Again...YAY!

Everything's a big mess in my new craft room. I clean up and then mess it up! an ongoing cycle and I absolutely love crafting in my craft room. There's going to be a craft fair at my new apartment complex in October. I understand they do so every year. Apparently I get 2 6' long tables at no charge and I can sell my crafts and keep all the proceeds. So I have begun my planning as well as crafting. My list of crafts to be ready to sell includes, hand crafted jewelry by me, refreshed old jewelry collected, origami folded paper shirts that hold money or a gift Card, junk journals and small paper books for notes titled "something to write on" designed for purse or wallet, jewelry crafts like wall hangings and yard sale items renewed that haven't sold in the past like ceramic containers with floral arrangement included and various other renewed or newly adapted for new uses items. 

 Have already started making, selecting things, cleaning things, refreshing things and making display containers and adding to them. Don't know how much I will come up with from now until mid October but I'm gonna give it my best shot. Not interested in making Christmas decor mostly thinking about gifts and gift tags and cards with Christmas in mind the rest will be for gifting. I learned so much while I was into jewelry making about display and making my own display holders that while making the items I'm also making things to display the crafts I make on. All very creative. I don't really have any pictures to add here. 

Well, I think I'll postpone posting this until tomorrow when I can take some pictures of what I'm making for show and tell....yup, think I'll do that. Right now it's 3:40am so I need to turn out the light and go to sleep instead of keep writing. SO...nite nite and I take this up tomorrow and get it posted then.... Still didn't take any pics but before I say goodnight this Sat. night I want to mention what I'm amazed about and that is those of you who read my posts are from all over the World.

I mentioned Hong Kong where there are the most readers then there's Singapore, France and so many more. I just want to say thank you all for popping in and reading what I write. I'd love to hear from you individually and I can if you will leave a comment or you can just say Hi. Maybe I'll remember about the pics tomorrow...Goodnight all....

having trouble arranging the pictures but these are just a couple of crafts in the making. The reindeer are made of salt dough and they are bow ornaments to put on a Christmas gift.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Something Happened and I must tell...

 Over the past few months I've been leading a Bible Study group of generally 4 ladies, 5 including myself. I say leading rather than teaching because that's what happens. We are using a book written by Dr. Jeremiah "The God You May Not Know". Our group meets every week at the home of one of the ladies and is always relaxed and always a cold canned Pepsi is offered. We are all Seniors and range from the 60's to the 80's.

My groups are usually talkers because I encourage questions and comments even small debates at times. The point is to learn from the material and each other. I truly believe Holy Spirit resides within each believer and He is our ultimate teacher and I like to hear what he has to say through each of the participants. Of course there must be constraints of sorts but that's to fit within our time limit and to stay on task. The Bible is on hand of course.

This study has changed me and I am surprised and totally in! I've been a Christian, born again, since 1975. Been in lay leadership in the church, home group leadership with my late husband, Officially a leader in the church as Co-Pastor after graduating from CFNI, Dallas, Tx in 1987. Official ministry ended in 2001. That means I was no longer officially licensed within the denomination that Licensed me. This happens when a licensed minister no longer holds a paying position in a church. Because God's calling is without repentance, I continue on without a church covering, in ministry. 

I do not consider myself to know the answers to life, about God, the church, or any asked of me. I do follow the lead of my God in daily life as much as I know how. I love my Creator more and more everyday and spend time with Him daily. And yet, I'm blown away at how much the study that is finishing up this next week about the Creator of all that is created and all that is, is created by the Creator, make no mistake about that. It is fact and has nothing to do with whether or not mankind believes He Is.

Certainly I cannot rewrite the book I'm finishing up, in the telling here. What I do want to say is I am thoroughly amazed by the explanation of who God is. I still don't know it all and no one can because we are limited. He is not. Only by His own Holiness and it's His choice.  There are certain words that I have decided are never ending. They are as follows:

Eternity, Omniscience, Love, Heaven, Hell, God's Creation...the universe, galaxies, space, never, always, more. 

To actually realize that all of God is everywhere all at the same time and involved in every human life in such detail that he even knows how many hairs on every head at every moment while knowing what we are all thinking, doing, saying, living and dying all at the same time world wide! And this is hour after hour after hour, day after day, and so on. He never sleeps or turns away from anyone...never. NEVER! He has no limitations, none, zip! He doesn't have a big toe! He isn't human! and yet he's emanuel, God with us.

We have limitations and we die! God does not! We cannot, don't have the ability to limit Him. He is and will always be who he says he is and mankind cannot change him in anyway. Lack of belief in Him does not make him small or powerless or disappear in anyway. He is and was and will always be. The theories about how the world began without God Himself are nothing, mean nothing and accomplish nothing except rob mankind of the truth. And, further more like it or not, God is in control, in charge and man cannot change that. God is! Above it all! Is Power! and there is no other. He is the only one. Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden and he is still lying.

I have known that God is bigger than I can even think and this study enlarged that I know that today without doubt but more, I know how more about the how much more which tells me there's so much more that I don't know. He's amazingly more.

God is known by many names and each one describes a part of his character. If you don't have the faintest Idea what I'm talking about, One of His names is Jehovah, and Yahweh, or Abba. Pick up a Bible...a New King James or a Living Bible and start with the Book of John in the New Testament. Let the author of that book in the Bible introduce you.

It's Friday evening before Memorial Day. Have a great weekend. Milo is somewhere asleep. I think I'll wake him and we will go sit on the back porch and enjoy the late afternoon. Blessings, I'm Judy and I'm glad.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Change...interesting word, interesting outcome...makes life interesting!

 Seems that all around me things are changing. Everything is changing. Since my last post...just the other know my housing has changed. Funny thing is happening on my way to April 15th this year, I'm changing to 80! Now there's a number! 80!

How does it feel? I dun-no! Actually, it feels great, absolutely great. Interestingly, I'm younger. Yes, younger. On the inside, still in my 30's, on the inside of my head that is. The body, well that's another issue. Though things are changing there too, my outlook on the whole thing is surprisingly upbeat. I'm the most comfortable with myself than I have ever been. I do things that I want to do. Want as in choose to do. Not from a selfish point of view but rather a considered decision based on is it a good thing for me and others to do what I think I want to do. That's a whole other take on living if you truly think about it.

In the past I did things because, I should...someone told me to...I had was the right thing to do...there wasn't a's what I always do, etc.. It's different now, oh, it's the same but the thought behind why I do what I do is different. I do consider the why of it. Truly, I think about why and do I really need to or want to or should I. I have a new freedom to choose. It was always there only now I'm brave enough to look at the choice. Seems like my choices now are acceptable to myself. In other words I'm happy with my choices more so now than before.

Why now?

Maybe because I've lived through so much life. You know, good, bad, hard, easy, life and death. I've been around the block so to speak. There's just not a lot of really new things going on around me that I haven't experienced in some way or another. Someone said "most crisis' last just 2 weeks." followed by "you can do anything for 2 weeks". Of course that 2 weeks isn't scientifically calculated but the idea is a good one. When all things are considered in any crisis how bad is it, all things considered? Of course that depends on what the crisis is, but think about it. Two weeks in time isn't very long at all. Only while you are in the midst of that 2 weeks.

Well, I'm talking about this because in just a couple of months I will turn 80 and I feel better now than I have in years in all areas of my life. I'm more at liberty in nearly all aspects that I can think of. I live alone which has great advantages if you don't get bogged down in being lonely, and that can be a decision to be made. I do pretty much what I want to do. I'm a crafter and I like to write and paint and build things. I've learned how to rewire a chandelier, work on a clock, build with power tools and repurpose things for my purposes. I don't do without much. If I need something I can usually make it and that is invigorating to me. I have a real tool box with power tools, a 3 step ladder, work gloves, paint brushes, sand paper and all kinds of things to use to make the things I want or think I need.

One day I decided I needed a foot stool so I made one out of a cardboard box an old pillow and material plus hot glue.  It lasted several months until I got tired of it and threw it away.  My friends think I can do anything...I can't, but I can do what they think they can't do. Because I think I can.  Is what I do perfect, or will it last a life time, probably not but it does the job for me and that's all I need.

Part of my life now is attitude. I don't pay a lot of attention to what other's think about what I do or what I wear and stuff like that. Not anymore. Just that adjustment in my thinking has freed a whole aspect of life up for me. I choose to enjoy everything. I choose to laugh, make fun of hard things and say nice things. I choose to think good things and enjoy as much in a day as possible. I don't watch a lot of news or anything that is unpleasant. I already know about that side of life. I know it exists and I choose not to entertain it in my life. I pray about those things when I think I'm suppose to but I don't worry about things I can't change. I've learned to look to the written word of God in the Bible as my life guide and do what He says to do in life. He's got me covered and I know that so there's nothing for me to worry about. After all, He loved me first and has known me before I was in my mother's womb. He is after all the Creator of all that there is and with that in mind it's up to me to Love Him first above all else.

I'm Judy and I'm writing this from my new makeover bedroom/ craft room combo of which I'm delighted to be in this evening. Hope you are well where you are and content with your life. God Bless You and good night.


Saturday, January 6, 2024

And we are in...2024


Are you glad it's over?

I find it seems to always be a bitter sweet time when the new year is present and all the decorations seem to have lost their luster. Sometimes, in some years, there seemed to be an urgency to take all the decor down and pack it away as quickly as possible. This year it's a different story at my home...

I reside in what use to be a Senior Citizen complex and that recently changed to a family complex along with new ownership. In addition to new owners, a new community designation has come with complete renovation of the entire complex. The whole process had a slow start in mid Summer with much confusion and misinformation given out to the residents bringing an unsettled atmosphere among the residence, self included.

Today January 7 I have begun a 30 day packing process which will end February 6. On that day movers will come and remove all the boxes I've personally packed  of all my belongings and my furniture and remove it all to a pod for storage. The team of renovators, that is: painters,  those who will remove cabinetry and appliances. Carpenters, electricians and plumbers will begin work inside my apartment which will last approximately 8-9 days.

While the team works daily from 8 am-5 pm I will be out of my apartment with my dog.  Doing what? Well Milo will stay at Petsmart's Doggie Camp for each day and I will be footloose and fancy free. At 5 pm every day Milo and I will return to the apartment and spend the night leaving the next morning by 8 am. We will sleep on an air mattress on the floor, have a chair, a lamp, a TV and personal items for showering plus food and water.  There will be no curtains and possibly no window covering at all, no refrigerator or cook stove for a while.

Best case scenario is that there will be a refrigerator hooked up and a toilet plus bathtub/shower for use.

The workers will install new laminate flooring. Do not know what color it will be. Painters will paint everything bright white. New ceiling light fixtures as well as new kitchen cabinetry and appliances, new bathroom vanity and toilet will all be installed.  2" white blinds on all windows and new door hardware with new bolts and locks on the outside doors. All within 7-9 days. 

Life will certainly be adventuresome from here on until I'm settled back in my apartment with all my stuff to put away. I am looking forward to re-decorating in a whole new way. That will be fun.

So for today? Packing! I make a box run to United Mkt St. for milk boxes, the best size ever if you are doing all your own packing because they are small enough for a single senior woman to handle. My little car can handle 12 boxes a trip. I also have a friend who picks up boxes for me and brings them as she can. I buy tape and shrink wrap and paper as needed along the way. So far I've spent approx $50 on packing materials. I hope to be reimbursed for money spent but I don't know about that yet. My apartment is filling up with boxes in every room and there's about half left to go. do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time and so everyday I pack some boxes. Some days more boxes than other days but it's gonna be done by February 6th, I have no doubt. Oh, and I have to remove all nails and curtain rods and hooks in the walls and also shelves that I've put up.

I did ask if when my things are moved back into my apartment if I can put shelving back up and the answer was yes.

Let me just say this about that!!! My take on the whole thing is this...I might as well look at it as an adventure and enjoy all the differences it's introducing into my daily living as this whole project plays out for me and look forward to the blank canvas I will have to set up a new living space with much thought and creativity this "adventure" requires of me.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--thing about such things." Philippians 4:8  (this is how to keep one's sanity during such adventures!!)

Until next time...I'm Judy in my red recliner writing while Milo is asleep in his crate with the door open.

May you and yours be richly blessed in this new year of 2024 through the Love of Jesus Christ. "He is the way, the truth and the life..." John 14:6

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Honestly Speaking

 Well hello! I have a favor to ask of you.

I know, I don't have any leverage over anyone who stops in on my blog so I'm not trying to pull something here.  Really!

Look, I don't claim to be old or anything!!! But, I am aware that I'm not up on all the ways and means of blogging. I haven't read up on the whys and wherefores', etiquette or anything. Honestly speaking, I just got on here, opened/signed up for a blog and here I am. I don't know what is customary and another thing, I'm trying to get my post read by more than 7 people. Well, one time it was 9.

So here's my request after all that honesty. I'd love to hear from YOU, If you've gotten this far in this writing this time around. Would you please comment? I would like some encouragement in writing here. And...

If you are feeling gracious and have the time and inclination leave a comment on how I might draw readers. I know, I know...I've sorta read how to do that but...I don't get it. Plain and simple. I added words that I think will pull up when people search and other than that, what else.

Should I try to make money like a lot of bloggers do? 

Is it possible that my subject matter isn't interesting enough?

Don't like my style? (if that's what ya' call it)

I sure need some advice, some help, some kind words if you are so inclined. And if it's my age, well, it is what it is! 

Should I have a specific topic of conversation throughout all my posts. Like should my blog only cover or talk about a specific topic? Would that be read?

I also know it's a busy time in this world, I hope some, more than one of those who pass through, will leave a generous comment and help this blogger/writer out.

Yours truly, Judy

the pic is of me and the museum artifact behind me...a group day trip.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

For the Senior Citizens-Open your blinds

 I just wrote a post yesterday. And now I'm back because I wanted to change my picture to a more current one and the one I like best. In that process it occurred to me that I've gotten one comment and it's from a local fried of mine. Every time I post, I look at the stats to see if anyone is stopping  by in to read. There are a few sometimes and none at other times. 

The reason I have this blog is because my book is about to be available to anyone who wants to read it either in paper back or e book "Without Spot or Wrinkle" is the title. I read somewhere that I should have a website so that's the first reason I set this one up. Also I've had other's in the past. Some I lost all the posts and a couple are somehow attached to this blog.

First, I just like to write. Second, I have things to say to my age group that I believe are helpful and encouraging in the living day to day. If you are a senior and you read my post...any or all...please, oh please leave a comment. If you aren't a long typer just to say hello would be great. I have no other purpose for asking this of my readers other than to be encouraged in the hello. You become more than a number to me and I'd love that.

If you have something on your mind, I'd love to read about it...maybe, maybe I can help, or not. I'd really like to get some conversation going...two way. So, please consider leaving a comment and let me know you've read a post and even what you think of it, and of course be kind even if it's negative.

As a side note, and fyi, I live in a senior low income housing complex. All my neighbors are seniors. Some are very active and others are on the low end of active and the ones I'm referencing aren't disabled. I don't know them all or even most, just a few. At least half no longer drive. I drive a Toyota, standard shift. 

Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there in hopes that I might get some comments on the posts I put up. Hope you will and appreciate those that read whether comments are left or not...

I'm Judy in my cottage with the sun blaring through my front window leaving stripes from the blinds all over the carpet, chair and wall. It's a beautiful morning in Texas.


  Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...