Showing posts with label Senior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senior. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Change...interesting word, interesting outcome...makes life interesting!

 Seems that all around me things are changing. Everything is changing. Since my last post...just the other know my housing has changed. Funny thing is happening on my way to April 15th this year, I'm changing to 80! Now there's a number! 80!

How does it feel? I dun-no! Actually, it feels great, absolutely great. Interestingly, I'm younger. Yes, younger. On the inside, still in my 30's, on the inside of my head that is. The body, well that's another issue. Though things are changing there too, my outlook on the whole thing is surprisingly upbeat. I'm the most comfortable with myself than I have ever been. I do things that I want to do. Want as in choose to do. Not from a selfish point of view but rather a considered decision based on is it a good thing for me and others to do what I think I want to do. That's a whole other take on living if you truly think about it.

In the past I did things because, I should...someone told me to...I had was the right thing to do...there wasn't a's what I always do, etc.. It's different now, oh, it's the same but the thought behind why I do what I do is different. I do consider the why of it. Truly, I think about why and do I really need to or want to or should I. I have a new freedom to choose. It was always there only now I'm brave enough to look at the choice. Seems like my choices now are acceptable to myself. In other words I'm happy with my choices more so now than before.

Why now?

Maybe because I've lived through so much life. You know, good, bad, hard, easy, life and death. I've been around the block so to speak. There's just not a lot of really new things going on around me that I haven't experienced in some way or another. Someone said "most crisis' last just 2 weeks." followed by "you can do anything for 2 weeks". Of course that 2 weeks isn't scientifically calculated but the idea is a good one. When all things are considered in any crisis how bad is it, all things considered? Of course that depends on what the crisis is, but think about it. Two weeks in time isn't very long at all. Only while you are in the midst of that 2 weeks.

Well, I'm talking about this because in just a couple of months I will turn 80 and I feel better now than I have in years in all areas of my life. I'm more at liberty in nearly all aspects that I can think of. I live alone which has great advantages if you don't get bogged down in being lonely, and that can be a decision to be made. I do pretty much what I want to do. I'm a crafter and I like to write and paint and build things. I've learned how to rewire a chandelier, work on a clock, build with power tools and repurpose things for my purposes. I don't do without much. If I need something I can usually make it and that is invigorating to me. I have a real tool box with power tools, a 3 step ladder, work gloves, paint brushes, sand paper and all kinds of things to use to make the things I want or think I need.

One day I decided I needed a foot stool so I made one out of a cardboard box an old pillow and material plus hot glue.  It lasted several months until I got tired of it and threw it away.  My friends think I can do anything...I can't, but I can do what they think they can't do. Because I think I can.  Is what I do perfect, or will it last a life time, probably not but it does the job for me and that's all I need.

Part of my life now is attitude. I don't pay a lot of attention to what other's think about what I do or what I wear and stuff like that. Not anymore. Just that adjustment in my thinking has freed a whole aspect of life up for me. I choose to enjoy everything. I choose to laugh, make fun of hard things and say nice things. I choose to think good things and enjoy as much in a day as possible. I don't watch a lot of news or anything that is unpleasant. I already know about that side of life. I know it exists and I choose not to entertain it in my life. I pray about those things when I think I'm suppose to but I don't worry about things I can't change. I've learned to look to the written word of God in the Bible as my life guide and do what He says to do in life. He's got me covered and I know that so there's nothing for me to worry about. After all, He loved me first and has known me before I was in my mother's womb. He is after all the Creator of all that there is and with that in mind it's up to me to Love Him first above all else.

I'm Judy and I'm writing this from my new makeover bedroom/ craft room combo of which I'm delighted to be in this evening. Hope you are well where you are and content with your life. God Bless You and good night.


Friday, October 6, 2023

Oh What a Beautiful Morning...

 Every morning Milo and I go for a walk around the apartment complex we live in. This particular morning the air was just a little bit crisp! So out of the ordinary for this year's SW Texas Summer temps. A wonderful indicator of the changing season. It's been a hotter Summer than last year, even the cotton crop shows the result of days and days of over 100 degrees. Welcome Fall, to Lubbock, Texas. We are all glad you're here.

These are beautiful days but there is a bit of an anxious feeling in the air around me.  I keep thinking that there will be an email announcing that the book is ready. But, there are still a few hurdles between then and now. There's so much ahead of me when the book actually is in my hand and it's all unknown to me. I love adventure and even the unknown ahead brings a bit of excitement along with just a tad of "can I do this?", and yet I know I can because He is going before me, actually has already paved the way through the marketing aspect. So, with pending eagerness, I wait!

In the mean time my new to me refurbished PC died with a audible bang and I sent it back to the refurbisher today and the refund will be back into my bank account fairly soon.  One thing has led to another and I've decided to hook up my computer monitor to my Acer Chromebook and use what I have to continue to write my next book.

Oh, have I mentioned there is another one cooking in my head and heart? Anyway, I have  MicroSoft Office on the Chromebook which is what the publisher wants the manuscript typed in for their publishing purposes. It's gonna work just fine for my purposes and won't be out any monies for a computer.  And, I know whose provision it is and I'm thankful that He provides the ideas to "just keep swimming". (a "Nemo" reference) 

I just have to say this because it's part of what's going on in my life at 79. So, this is it...I'm so amazed that this is happening at this time in my life. I do think I've been prepared through the years for where I am now and for however long it lasts, I'm loving the challenge. Life is exciting and each day is great to wake up to.  

Speaking of imagination, I've bought and gotten ride of several 2 drawer file cabinets over the past 10 years and I just bought another...because I don't have one right at the time I found the one I now have. It was a pale blue with white handles and it is now white with white handles. I cleaned it up, spray painted it white and it's in it's place with files in the drawers! Now maybe I will be able to find things. I got it at the ReStore for $8.00 on sale. Yes the drawers work just fine...I thought you might be wondering...

This has been a long post and it's getting late and I'm calling it a night. 

I'm Judy in the cottage with Milo curled up in his round bed sleeping and I'm heading there too, to bed that is.  God bless you one and all. Thank you for reading this entry. I've enjoyed writing. And, please leave a comment, it let's me know you are out there and what you are thinking.  'Til next time. Don't forget to breathe now and then.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Honestly Speaking

 Well hello! I have a favor to ask of you.

I know, I don't have any leverage over anyone who stops in on my blog so I'm not trying to pull something here.  Really!

Look, I don't claim to be old or anything!!! But, I am aware that I'm not up on all the ways and means of blogging. I haven't read up on the whys and wherefores', etiquette or anything. Honestly speaking, I just got on here, opened/signed up for a blog and here I am. I don't know what is customary and another thing, I'm trying to get my post read by more than 7 people. Well, one time it was 9.

So here's my request after all that honesty. I'd love to hear from YOU, If you've gotten this far in this writing this time around. Would you please comment? I would like some encouragement in writing here. And...

If you are feeling gracious and have the time and inclination leave a comment on how I might draw readers. I know, I know...I've sorta read how to do that but...I don't get it. Plain and simple. I added words that I think will pull up when people search and other than that, what else.

Should I try to make money like a lot of bloggers do? 

Is it possible that my subject matter isn't interesting enough?

Don't like my style? (if that's what ya' call it)

I sure need some advice, some help, some kind words if you are so inclined. And if it's my age, well, it is what it is! 

Should I have a specific topic of conversation throughout all my posts. Like should my blog only cover or talk about a specific topic? Would that be read?

I also know it's a busy time in this world, I hope some, more than one of those who pass through, will leave a generous comment and help this blogger/writer out.

Yours truly, Judy

the pic is of me and the museum artifact behind me...a group day trip.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

 There it is...the front cover of my first ever book to be released soon. I'm just thrilled about becoming a published author at 79.  Would have never, never imagined that this could possibility become a reality for me.

I've been writing a long time but not for publishing. Mostly journaling over the past 10 years. I have written some stories but never published or even really thought it possible. And, yes this is a self published book. Let me explain...

Use to be there were publishing company's that would evaluate a manuscripts, decide whether or not they thought it would sell, hand the author a big check, publish the book with very little revenue going to the author.  Well they won't take a manuscript to even look at it. They won't accept a manuscript unless you are already a best selling author. Then there is a protocol to follow. 

Today, if you want to have a manuscript to publish you can but you have to pay up front or some will allow a payment plan. Your manuscript is received if it follows the publisher requirements. So for me to get published I had to have a particular amount of words. Mine exceeded 300K.  Then it had to be typed in MSWord.  

This type of publishing use to be called Vanity Press mainly because the author was charged a large amount to have the manuscript published. Not true anymore. Because the Self Publisher changed their way of publishing and the costs they are quickly becoming the best way to get a manuscript published. 

There are a couple of other options and they may all be free, I don't know.  Ebooks through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and there may be others. You can always google and find more information.

So, for me it was the best choice to find a Christian Publisher first then look for the least expensive I could find and then contact them to see what i would have to do. My next move as it get's closer to release is to arrange publicity for it's release and I don't know anything about that..

Very shortly I will be finding out what I need to do and how to do it...I'll be doing a post about that when I know anything....

It's Saturday, I'm in the cottage with Milo and it's not yet noon in Lubbock, Texas with an afternoon temp of 98...that's hot!

Hope you have a good weekend....later

Monday, September 18, 2023

The book is in Production

It is!....Hello! They will let me know when it's time to proof their work on the inside and cover. Can hardly wait to see what they have designed for the cover. Also there were some issues with the picture of my painting of geese. It came out blurry though it was the 300 dpi required. So, I don't know what will show up. I sent one more picture of the painting. The painting is made up of 3 canvas' and they hang together to make one long progressive painting. So, I sent the last painting picture which is of large geese closeup and I hope it looks better and that it can be used. The issue is that there is text about the painting itself, making reference to it in a couple of places. So, if there isn't a picture.....

It's all so surreal that I'm gonna be a published writer. I just hope people read it.  AND, I'm on the third chapter of the next book. It was expensive to pay for this self publish and so far the payment process is working out with God's help along the way.  I don't really want to go through this aspect of publishing again though, so, I'm going to see what else there is. It doesn't hurt to rethink and re-investigate the ways and means of publishing. Maybe because I will have a book published it will be possible to do things differently. I'll surely let you know.

The next book is about what God is actually asking us to do with the 10 commandments. It's interesting as I go through the studying of it. I'm finding out so many things that I just never thought of before regarding the commandments and how truly pivotal it is in His relationship with mankind. No title yet. It will be jazzy though. I did a Bible Study at a friends house on Sunday and the subject was my new book. I thought it might help me gain some insight...I'm glad I did but it wasn't as fruitful as I'd hoped.

We will be doing a study on Revelation in the next couple of months leading up to Christmas. Should be interesting. We will be using a Max Lucado book on Revelation.

I'm still in the Cottage writing, listening to music, Milo is sleeping on his big round pillow. All is well with me and mine. I'm Judy and I really like to write, even when there doesn't seem to be anything terrifically interesting to say.  Thanks for dropping in.  I'll be back


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Without Spot or Wrinkle publishing update

 Boys Howdy, what a week this has been and more exciting stuff coming up ahead and my headlights are on and I'm shifting gears moving forward with the publishing of my first ever book, Without Spot or Wrinkle. 

Just at the end of this week the final reports and editing are turned in and I've been notified that the next phase of publishing is beginning this week coming. Now, it's all about the cover. I've already chosen some things and they are: a glossy finish of the cover, cream color paper of the pages inside. The team that does the cover will pull together a cover and place the text on the front as well as the photo and bio on the back of the cover and send a copy to me for review. 

Having sent them my idea for the cover it will be interesting to see what they have designed and since they are the pros in the area of outward design it's gonna be fun to see. I can hardly wait. Not sure what the time frame is but I'm sorta expecting a week or two. It'll be terrific if the book is released before Christmas. I'm hoping!

During this past week my patience was greatly tested by my computer. It has a new monitor, keyboard and mouse but an old hard drive. It's operational standard is in the slow mo gear and so I have to wait a long time for any response at all. This week wasn't a good time for it's type of behavior and so yesterday I ordered a refurbished hard drive and it will arrive on the 14th, just a few days from now.  I can hardly wait because of the huge difference it will make in my productivity. Yipee!

As mentioned before, I've started on number 2 book but haven't gotten very far with it because I'm still involved in the first book's production process, however the number 2 is cooking and I'm eager on getting stuff on paper. The preliminary chapter outline is written, and scriptures gathered. I've lots of commentary reading to do as well and I truly look forward to that. Adding other research material to my bank of information is fun...I' a gatherer right now. 

The yard sale went well but I have residue left for the next yard sale. I hope to be able to join with someone else by adding my stuff to theirs, but will see if that can happen. In the mean time have been invited to store my boxed up items in a friends garage. I live in an apartment and have no storage space except for the car. It's very sweet of my friend and I'm preparing the stuff to take over to her place this coming week.

In the between times I'm gathering stuff to redecorate my friends apartment which will be the week after the 17th of September.  I've talked to a friend about the project and she's gonna help me when the time comes. Presently I'm collecting and making stuff and nearly finished, just waiting for a shipment to arrive. Have some preliminary stuff to do in the apartment and I'll be doing that until the shipment is here.  Things like taking down what's presently on the walls and finding things to place on the bedroom walls because I'll actually be doing the bedroom too out of necessity. Much of what is on the living room walls will be stored and what doesn't go with the new theme will go in the bedroom, like personal pictures of family etc. It's gonna be fun.

So that's it for this evening in the Cottage. I'm Judy with Milo whose reclining on the back of the love seat where he has the best view of the parking lot. Blessings for now...


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

It's in the works with a $gift

 Can I get any more awed than this? The book is now in the editing stage at "my publisher"! Working with the pros to get it ready for print, etc.

And then I get this phone call see...and it's from the director of a non-profit. He was a friend of my husband so a friend of mine but, besides that, the request I made to the foundation result, came to me through the phone call and the gift given is $2,000 minimum.

The publisher is a self-publishing publisher so there is a fee for getting a book published. Vanity publisher is what they, all self-publishers, were called. Things have changed in that realm of getting a book out there and it's because the 5 big publishing houses are so hard to even get your manuscript seen that the self-type has become the now, apparently, way to get a book published. I did my research on this. The publisher I chose is among the least expensive with the most all around means of printing and marketing. And a most important part of this for me is/was to have a payment plan I can afford, and Xulon Publishing had the best I could find.

So, needless to say I'm completely beside myself, first that the book is even written, second that a publisher accepted it for publication and now there has been a generous gift to get the book costs paid. I can only say this about all of that...the book is about honoring God the creator of all things, spreading information about his love for his creation, and how we might truly love our neighbor to become one church, ready for the return of Jesus for his bride, the church. Not the denomination or the building but the people who love him first above all else. 

It just blows me away that He would use me in such a way at the age of 79. Now I pray people will buy and read and apply what is written inside. I don't know exactly when it will show up on the bookshelves and in e-book form on Amazon and elsewhere, but it will within 9 months which is May 2024. Soonest would be December 2023. I'm praying for December.

So, very busy doing something I love doing and that is writing. I am loving every second of this season in my life.  Off now to move forward on the next project, and it's already swimming around in my head. Thinking it will be around 50k words. This one is 31k words.

So, there ya are for today and this post. Still trying to get some feedback and if you can, please leave a comment. I would love to hear from anyone who reads the posts. 

I'm Judy at my pc, writing to you.  Blessings to you and yours!


  Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...