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Showing posts with the label Revelation

Something Happened and I must tell...

 Over the past few months I've been leading a Bible Study group of generally 4 ladies, 5 including myself. I say leading rather than teaching because that's what happens. We are using a book written by Dr. Jeremiah "The God You May Not Know". Our group meets every week at the home of one of the ladies and is always relaxed and always a cold canned Pepsi is offered. We are all Seniors and range from the 60's to the 80's. My groups are usually talkers because I encourage questions and comments even small debates at times. The point is to learn from the material and each other. I truly believe Holy Spirit resides within each believer and He is our ultimate teacher and I like to hear what he has to say through each of the participants. Of course there must be constraints of sorts but that's to fit within our time limit and to stay on task. The Bible is on hand of course. This study has changed me and I am surprised and totally in! I've been a Christian, bo

Change...interesting word, interesting outcome...makes life interesting!

 Seems that all around me things are changing. Everything is changing. Since my last post...just the other know my housing has changed. Funny thing is happening on my way to April 15th this year, I'm changing to 80! Now there's a number! 80! How does it feel? I dun-no! Actually, it feels great, absolutely great. Interestingly, I'm younger. Yes, younger. On the inside, still in my 30's, on the inside of my head that is. The body, well that's another issue. Though things are changing there too, my outlook on the whole thing is surprisingly upbeat. I'm the most comfortable with myself than I have ever been. I do things that I want to do. Want as in choose to do. Not from a selfish point of view but rather a considered decision based on is it a good thing for me and others to do what I think I want to do. That's a whole other take on living if you truly think about it. In the past I did things because, I should...someone told me to...I had was

There they were, on my doorstep...

I'd been waiting, anxiously seemed like a long time to me. I opened the door to leave for Sunday School this past Sunday morning and there in the way of the storm door was a somewhat smashed brown cardboard box. At the moment I picked it up I couldn't think of anything I was expecting. I didn't read the label except my name. I had to get out a craft razor blade to use because the box was crumpled around the opening. I carefully slit the cardboard in a way as not to cut anything inside because, remember at this moment I don't know what's inside. Oh my goodness, it's my book! 5 of them as promised! And it's even better than I thought. Just the right size too. A short read as books go at 147 pages. I took a book with me to give to the church librarian for her to determine whether or not she would shelve it in the Church Library. Also took a copy to give to my grandson to take home to the family. At this point, I'm still stunned! Why? The reality of the book

Honestly Speaking

 Well hello! I have a favor to ask of you. I know, I don't have any leverage over anyone who stops in on my blog so I'm not trying to pull something here.  Really! Look, I don't claim to be old or anything!!! But, I am aware that I'm not up on all the ways and means of blogging. I haven't read up on the whys and wherefores', etiquette or anything. Honestly speaking, I just got on here, opened/signed up for a blog and here I am. I don't know what is customary and another thing, I'm trying to get my post read by more than 7 people. Well, one time it was 9. So here's my request after all that honesty. I'd love to hear from YOU, If you've gotten this far in this writing this time around. Would you please comment? I would like some encouragement in writing here. And... If you are feeling gracious and have the time and inclination leave a comment on how I might draw readers. I know, I know...I've sorta read how to do that but...I don't get

For the Senior Citizens-Open your blinds

 I just wrote a post yesterday. And now I'm back because I wanted to change my picture to a more current one and the one I like best. In that process it occurred to me that I've gotten one comment and it's from a local fried of mine. Every time I post, I look at the stats to see if anyone is stopping  by in to read. There are a few sometimes and none at other times.  The reason I have this blog is because my book is about to be available to anyone who wants to read it either in paper back or e book "Without Spot or Wrinkle" is the title. I read somewhere that I should have a website so that's the first reason I set this one up. Also I've had other's in the past. Some I lost all the posts and a couple are somehow attached to this blog. First, I just like to write. Second, I have things to say to my age group that I believe are helpful and encouraging in the living day to day. If you are a senior and you read my post...any or all...please, oh please leav

The book is in Production

It is!....Hello! They will let me know when it's time to proof their work on the inside and cover. Can hardly wait to see what they have designed for the cover. Also there were some issues with the picture of my painting of geese. It came out blurry though it was the 300 dpi required. So, I don't know what will show up. I sent one more picture of the painting. The painting is made up of 3 canvas' and they hang together to make one long progressive painting. So, I sent the last painting picture which is of large geese closeup and I hope it looks better and that it can be used. The issue is that there is text about the painting itself, making reference to it in a couple of places. So, if there isn't a picture..... It's all so surreal that I'm gonna be a published writer. I just hope people read it.  AND, I'm on the third chapter of the next book. It was expensive to pay for this self publish and so far the payment process is working out with God's help alo