Showing posts with label New Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Book. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

Did I tell you I'm a great grandmother?

 Isn't it wonderful?                                                                                            So thankful for Mazie!

Mazie  7.11#'s

And she's beautiful. I've gotten lots of pictures thanks to my daughter who is with her daughter and her new baby daughter. Well, that's my big news. They live far far away but it's okay. When I was having my babies I lived far far away from my parents and grandparents. Technology may be frustrating sometimes but I'm sure thankful that I get to see her in real time on my laptop and hear the conversations  going on while I get to watch baby Mazie sleep. LOL, I think that's funny. It is actually fun and a treat to get to see her sleeping while life goes on around her she is all snuggled up sleeping.   

In the mean time back at the cottage, I've unpacked the last box and busy now organizing the closets and each room, one at a time. Some rooms, like the craft room, are a continual organizing and reorganizing but that's to be expected. 

I knew my life was going to change because of this move. Texas is big and it takes a while to get where you want to go no matter where you live. I moved across town and its like moving to a different town. The same stores I shopped at before have branches where I moved and I'm noticing they are each laid out just a little bit differently so things aren't in the same place in each store. The traffic is terrific here more than where I was and I was in a busy area. I'm using more gas going across town to church and friends and it takes more time to get across town from where I am now. Looks like my gas budget is going to increase considerably and I'm thinking I have to run errands and stay out longer by trying to take care of them in one trip. Kinda like living out in the country only not if you get what I mean. Other things are looking like change is gonna happen too like seeing friends less often and maybe even changing churches. Because there seems to be more traffic it's a bit more of effort to get somewhere because of the amount of cars and the speed limit is higher so everyone is moving faster. Not a problem really just different.

I'm glad I made the move it's really good and I must admit I do like change. Brings lots of new things and new people and different experiences. It's really a good thing, kind of like an adventure.  My apartment is much more square footage and so I walk more just inside my home from room to room and up and down the hallway and that can't be bad. The neighborhood is much safer to walk my pooch. The streets are narrow and curvy and there is a no trespassing sign at the entry of the community. So most of the cars are residents or visitors so nearly no traffic. Milo and I walk safely and he is beginning to be familiar with the streets we walk in and the other dogs of the neighborhood. He's not real friendly with them though, just their owners. He likes them alot. I've done a little crafting  while sorting all the box contents since the first of May. I do have big plans in that aspect of my new residence.  Slowly but surely the craft room is looking better and less congested.

Life is good these days for me and I hope the same is for you where ever you are. I know, there's lots to complain about but I choose not to do that. I really am thankful for all this move has given me, even the gas and time  that has changed. That's it for this post. It's a little after 11pm so time to turn in on this 6th of June. God bless you and yours...keep looking up, it's just easier on the eyes and thoughts. 

Leave a comment, that's something I haven't had yet but I sure would like to know what's on your mind. I'm Judy, in my room at my new cottage...good night.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

There they were, on my doorstep...

I'd been waiting, anxiously seemed like a long time to me. I opened the door to leave for Sunday School this past Sunday morning and there in the way of the storm door was a somewhat smashed brown cardboard box. At the moment I picked it up I couldn't think of anything I was expecting.

I didn't read the label except my name. I had to get out a craft razor blade to use because the box was crumpled around the opening. I carefully slit the cardboard in a way as not to cut anything inside because, remember at this moment I don't know what's inside.

Oh my goodness, it's my book! 5 of them as promised! And it's even better than I thought. Just the right size too. A short read as books go at 147 pages. I took a book with me to give to the church librarian for her to determine whether or not she would shelve it in the Church Library. Also took a copy to give to my grandson to take home to the family. At this point, I'm still stunned! Why? The reality of the book in hand and now, now I'm a published author.

At my age? 79! Yes! So here's the scoop on where and how you can get a copy.

this link will give me the best of the royalties.

The book is a print on demand POD so it can be ordered at Barnes and Noble for a soft cover or a Kindle e book.

The book is on Amazon for both the soft cover and e book.

"Without Spot or Wrinkle" by Judy Chase

What it's about...

 Christians and non Christians are hearing and seeing in print about the Second Coming of Jesus. Revelation, the last book in the Bible, is being discussed and the end of life as we know it is written about. Some say this could be it. 

Ephesians 5:27 "that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing...". Jesus is returning for his Bride (the church) in her dress without spot or wrinkle. Revelation 19:8 "And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints". The soon return of Jesus is a now topic because of the state our world has transitioned into. Are we in the last days of the existence of the world as we know it? Is what's written in Revelation happening now?

A valid question today, is the Bride ready for him? She, the Bride is suppose to be dressed in a white wedding dress that is without spot or wrinkle. This book is a non-fiction book challenging believers and non believers everywhere to take note of their individual participation in the state of the bridal dress. Are they truly loving their neighbor, themselves and their God? The number One command is to love their God with all of their heart and to love their neighbor as they love themselves. 

Could it be that in spite of what is talked about in Jesus coming soon, the soon of it maybe dependent on the wedding dress? Could we be, collectively, as members of the Bride of Christ, The Church, holding up the return because of the first and second commandments? The book discusses the possibility he could be waiting for us. Matthew 25:5 "But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept." 

The non believer will be challenged as well by reading of a God who loves, and has relationship with his followers, and who's only requirement is to acknowledge his Son Jesus, and accept the Christ as their only Lord and Savior. The reward is a Loving God and immortality with him in a wonderful, place he has made for all those who love him.

That's it for this post. I'm so ecstatic about this book and that it's in print as I write this post in the cottage on a Tuesday evening in Texas. Hope you have a great rest of the day you are in and the ones that follow and of course that you will buy the book and read it! This is Judy at the pc

as Milo sleeps on his big round pillow.

(the back of the book)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Honestly Speaking

 Well hello! I have a favor to ask of you.

I know, I don't have any leverage over anyone who stops in on my blog so I'm not trying to pull something here.  Really!

Look, I don't claim to be old or anything!!! But, I am aware that I'm not up on all the ways and means of blogging. I haven't read up on the whys and wherefores', etiquette or anything. Honestly speaking, I just got on here, opened/signed up for a blog and here I am. I don't know what is customary and another thing, I'm trying to get my post read by more than 7 people. Well, one time it was 9.

So here's my request after all that honesty. I'd love to hear from YOU, If you've gotten this far in this writing this time around. Would you please comment? I would like some encouragement in writing here. And...

If you are feeling gracious and have the time and inclination leave a comment on how I might draw readers. I know, I know...I've sorta read how to do that but...I don't get it. Plain and simple. I added words that I think will pull up when people search and other than that, what else.

Should I try to make money like a lot of bloggers do? 

Is it possible that my subject matter isn't interesting enough?

Don't like my style? (if that's what ya' call it)

I sure need some advice, some help, some kind words if you are so inclined. And if it's my age, well, it is what it is! 

Should I have a specific topic of conversation throughout all my posts. Like should my blog only cover or talk about a specific topic? Would that be read?

I also know it's a busy time in this world, I hope some, more than one of those who pass through, will leave a generous comment and help this blogger/writer out.

Yours truly, Judy

the pic is of me and the museum artifact behind me...a group day trip.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

 There it is...the front cover of my first ever book to be released soon. I'm just thrilled about becoming a published author at 79.  Would have never, never imagined that this could possibility become a reality for me.

I've been writing a long time but not for publishing. Mostly journaling over the past 10 years. I have written some stories but never published or even really thought it possible. And, yes this is a self published book. Let me explain...

Use to be there were publishing company's that would evaluate a manuscripts, decide whether or not they thought it would sell, hand the author a big check, publish the book with very little revenue going to the author.  Well they won't take a manuscript to even look at it. They won't accept a manuscript unless you are already a best selling author. Then there is a protocol to follow. 

Today, if you want to have a manuscript to publish you can but you have to pay up front or some will allow a payment plan. Your manuscript is received if it follows the publisher requirements. So for me to get published I had to have a particular amount of words. Mine exceeded 300K.  Then it had to be typed in MSWord.  

This type of publishing use to be called Vanity Press mainly because the author was charged a large amount to have the manuscript published. Not true anymore. Because the Self Publisher changed their way of publishing and the costs they are quickly becoming the best way to get a manuscript published. 

There are a couple of other options and they may all be free, I don't know.  Ebooks through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and there may be others. You can always google and find more information.

So, for me it was the best choice to find a Christian Publisher first then look for the least expensive I could find and then contact them to see what i would have to do. My next move as it get's closer to release is to arrange publicity for it's release and I don't know anything about that..

Very shortly I will be finding out what I need to do and how to do it...I'll be doing a post about that when I know anything....

It's Saturday, I'm in the cottage with Milo and it's not yet noon in Lubbock, Texas with an afternoon temp of 98...that's hot!

Hope you have a good weekend....later

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

For the Senior Citizens-Open your blinds

 I just wrote a post yesterday. And now I'm back because I wanted to change my picture to a more current one and the one I like best. In that process it occurred to me that I've gotten one comment and it's from a local fried of mine. Every time I post, I look at the stats to see if anyone is stopping  by in to read. There are a few sometimes and none at other times. 

The reason I have this blog is because my book is about to be available to anyone who wants to read it either in paper back or e book "Without Spot or Wrinkle" is the title. I read somewhere that I should have a website so that's the first reason I set this one up. Also I've had other's in the past. Some I lost all the posts and a couple are somehow attached to this blog.

First, I just like to write. Second, I have things to say to my age group that I believe are helpful and encouraging in the living day to day. If you are a senior and you read my post...any or all...please, oh please leave a comment. If you aren't a long typer just to say hello would be great. I have no other purpose for asking this of my readers other than to be encouraged in the hello. You become more than a number to me and I'd love that.

If you have something on your mind, I'd love to read about it...maybe, maybe I can help, or not. I'd really like to get some conversation going...two way. So, please consider leaving a comment and let me know you've read a post and even what you think of it, and of course be kind even if it's negative.

As a side note, and fyi, I live in a senior low income housing complex. All my neighbors are seniors. Some are very active and others are on the low end of active and the ones I'm referencing aren't disabled. I don't know them all or even most, just a few. At least half no longer drive. I drive a Toyota, standard shift. 

Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there in hopes that I might get some comments on the posts I put up. Hope you will and appreciate those that read whether comments are left or not...

I'm Judy in my cottage with the sun blaring through my front window leaving stripes from the blinds all over the carpet, chair and wall. It's a beautiful morning in Texas.

Monday, September 18, 2023

The book is in Production

It is!....Hello! They will let me know when it's time to proof their work on the inside and cover. Can hardly wait to see what they have designed for the cover. Also there were some issues with the picture of my painting of geese. It came out blurry though it was the 300 dpi required. So, I don't know what will show up. I sent one more picture of the painting. The painting is made up of 3 canvas' and they hang together to make one long progressive painting. So, I sent the last painting picture which is of large geese closeup and I hope it looks better and that it can be used. The issue is that there is text about the painting itself, making reference to it in a couple of places. So, if there isn't a picture.....

It's all so surreal that I'm gonna be a published writer. I just hope people read it.  AND, I'm on the third chapter of the next book. It was expensive to pay for this self publish and so far the payment process is working out with God's help along the way.  I don't really want to go through this aspect of publishing again though, so, I'm going to see what else there is. It doesn't hurt to rethink and re-investigate the ways and means of publishing. Maybe because I will have a book published it will be possible to do things differently. I'll surely let you know.

The next book is about what God is actually asking us to do with the 10 commandments. It's interesting as I go through the studying of it. I'm finding out so many things that I just never thought of before regarding the commandments and how truly pivotal it is in His relationship with mankind. No title yet. It will be jazzy though. I did a Bible Study at a friends house on Sunday and the subject was my new book. I thought it might help me gain some insight...I'm glad I did but it wasn't as fruitful as I'd hoped.

We will be doing a study on Revelation in the next couple of months leading up to Christmas. Should be interesting. We will be using a Max Lucado book on Revelation.

I'm still in the Cottage writing, listening to music, Milo is sleeping on his big round pillow. All is well with me and mine. I'm Judy and I really like to write, even when there doesn't seem to be anything terrifically interesting to say.  Thanks for dropping in.  I'll be back



  Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...