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Showing posts with the label Craft Fair

Something Happened when I Turned 80

  It's October, that's nearly 6 months since my 80th birthday and I still am amazed that I'm actually 80 years old or young. "How can it be?" I say to myself quite regularly. It's even reflected in the mirror. I mean I had the normal aging skin as the normal American woman and then along came my 80th birthday. What's that about? Here's what I have to say about all that....quite honestly I don't understand it? I'm actually still 30ish on the inside, that didn't change! Still looking for something meaningful to do with the rest of my life. (Been doing that since I was 30ish.) I am more sure of myself now than I ever was and even know who I am. Almost think it would have been great if I'd known that when I was 30ish. Plus what I know now about God's heart for me and those around me and learning more about that daily. I'm actually beginning to realize that I've lived a long time and know things those younger than myself don'