It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a super charge in it's meaning. That's the case today. Though my living companion is Joey the orange tabby, he's part of the reason home means more than usual. Another reason home means more to me today is that I've been away since February 17th and came home this past Saturday morning 16 days according to my fingers. First it was early morning hospital sign in then time in a staging area with a curtain waiting for my turn in surgery. Then flat on my tummy on a special table I'm told for the lower 4 & 5 spine fusion. Five hours later woke up in ICU where I stayed until released to a rehab facility for a week. Then finally home to Joey.
I have staples in my lower back and a second incision a bit to the left for a special tool used in the process. A bit soar with lots of rules for not moving in such a way to damage the incision. And a walker. The worst of it all is over I think. In a couple of days I go see the surgeon for a post op appointment and probably removal of the staples of which there are plenty.
Experiencing all sorts of sensations not necessarily pain. Hope the Surgeon has a good explanation for all of them and hope it's normal. So, having said that I'm determined not to worry about those sensations for now. Lots of things happen to a body during surgery that no one really talks about. For instance once your body is opened up air enters. The air can cause pockets throughout your body like bubbles. That's why when you wake up after they....the nurses or someone...gets you on your feet and makes you walk so that the air will leave. Interesting!
Lots of other things happen too. I woke up to bruises in the oddest places. Some are obviously from the needles they place under the skin for stuff that needs to get into the blood stream in a hurry. But some are of unknown origin to me. I have questions for the doc.. I don't know abut you but I don't like the idea that I'm 'handled' while unconscious though I do give permission. I don't think about it too much.
Well, I'm home now and today at 9 a home health person comes to tell me how they will help me for the next 2 weeks. Don't know what to expect but I'll be happy with whatever is offered.
While I was in hospital etc., Joey was being visited everyday for a minimum of an hour. During that hour he was entertained and entertaining, was loved on, fed and otherwise attended to. When I got home he was absolutely glad to see me but expected me to leave after an hour. To his surprise I'm still here and he has calmed down and is semi-calm for a 10 month old.
Home. I'm home. Kids come everyday to do a bit of housekeeping and check on me and bring stuff if I have need or want. Otherwise I stay in my robe and slippers. Now that's something that sounds good but not so much. It's to be expected though so since I don't have the energy to do much more than sit in the recliner, I'm good.
The main thing is, I'm Home.
yup...Judy at home in the recliner in her robe and slippers posting. Hope all are well and really like your Home. Bless you each and every one!
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