Thursday, January 9, 2025

2025 changing of the year!


This is Joey.

My Christmas gift to self. He's 9mos old and a happy kitty.

 It's here!

Funny, sorta, how I look forward to the changing of the years as they go by. No real big resolutions this time around...but I do have a plan for this year. Plans to prosper, plans to be debt free, plans to purchase and plans to save. Plans to be better at whatever I do and plans to be nice, kind, giving, considerate and less "going for it" mentality. Hope to craft and paint more with watercolors and acrylics,. May even discover an online way to sell my creations but we'll see about that one.

Hope to be more faithful to my God in obedience, prayer, friendships, and whatever He leads me to do.

Hope to  get some physical issues taken care of through divine healing or surgery, hopefully the divine. 

Hope for family restoration by God's hand.

Looking forward to life at 80 and 81 this year and whatever God has in store for me.

May God richly bless you in ways only He can do and may this year be the best ever. Happy New Year 2025!.

Keeping warm while the weather outside is snowie and frigid, the fire inside is delightful, I'm Judy in my cottage all cozy with hot chocolate and marsh mellows. Blessings to all and to all a good 2025!

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