Thursday, December 19, 2024

Me and Dentistry


I've never, ever met anyone who likes to go to the dentist, not ever. Having said that I feel much better. I guess everyone has a story about why they don't like it. Mine stems from an early childhood experience having a baby tooth pulled without any kind of numbing. My memory is a bit fuzzy of course it would be after around 70+ years. As I recall the dentist was old and big in stature.Certainly was not gentle or seemingly caring. He just did it! No numbing or words of compassion prior to the event.

Whether or not the way that visit to the dentist went is a true memory I'm not positive but I think it is. Zip forward to today I am presently recovering to 6 extractions of the remaining upper teeth, mostly in the front. That took several injections before and during the session. Almost afterward an upper denture was inserted along with gauze to bite on and I was out of there

It's the beginning of the third day and the pain is present and very much felt. The backstory is this: My Daddy had dentures and as I was growing up I use to say that's what I wanted was dentures then I wouldn't have to go to the dentist.  The day the dentist told me I needed a full denture I balked knowing that meant extractions and healing and getting use to a full denture. This is after wearing a partial for years. Guess I finally got what I wished for all those years. 

The denture teeth look fine so no complaints there. Is there a lesson about what you wish for? I don't know about that but I do know I'll be wonderfully glad when the pain and soreness is gone for sure. And, here's hoping the denture fits well when it's all said and done.  The nice thing is I don't think I'll have to visit the dentist as much. Yay for that part. As unpleasant as it can be it's also terribly expensive.

Did you know that dentist fees are not regulated? That means each dentist can charge whatever they want to and that's why if you shop around for the best price they will all be different and not even within the same range.

Now, just so you know, I've had some really good dentists along the way and this particular dentist was not bad so I don't want to give him a bad report at all. It's not his fault I had to have teeth removed. I take full responsibility for not caring for my teeth as I should have and I knew to do. So, it's squarely on me that I had to go through all the years of dentistry. I knew/know better but I didn't do better.

Why in the world would I blog about this? Unpleasant as it is it is part of the Senior Life and that's what my blog is basically about.  It's what we all deal with. Some like my Mother never had dentures of any kind. She was very proud that she still had her own teeth until she left this earth. My grandmother also had her own teeth at least mostly. She did have some spaces among her back teeth.

I thank God though that I could get the work done and still have teeth even if they are removable. So, are dentists bad? No, they are necessary and I'm thankful for what they can do.  I just don't like to have to go sit in the chair.

The best part though is, I will have a good smile and will be able to eat. And that's good, isn't it?

By the way, I'm Judy in my cottage and it's early in the morning at 2:30 am writing this post. Thanks for reading such a post as is part of life at 80. Blessings as you sleep.

"UPDATE: It's a done deal and now I go in for an adjustment next week and maybe another one later but things are going well for the most part. Recovery was a bit testy for the first few days but I made it and even though I'm still not on real chewable foods that is moving along too and it won't be too much longer before I can eat what I want. Been drinking my meals and have lost a few pounds which is a nice side affect. When it's all said and done I plan to take a picture and post it then."


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