Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Once and Again...Selling when you aren't a seller! Ugh! or


The Craft Fair I've been crafting for happened and it's over and I'm not doing much for the last day maybe two.  I'm not going to sign up for another craft fair tomorrow morning.  I didn't make the sale quota I was looking for so I have found another opportunity which happens at a local church next Friday and Saturday but decided not to go. 

WELL...this was on hold, meaning sitting as a draft instead of being, I clicked on the draft to see why it is a draft and here I am.  It's a draft because I didn't go back and finish it.

Finishing the draft ...I just said that to introduce the completion of the post I didn't post. It's 3:14am on a Monday morning November 11, 2024.

The craft fair was a bomb. I know, that's probably why I didn't finish the post the day I started it or the last day of the craft fair. First there weren't very many vendors and that was a disappointment. This was my first appearance at this annual craft fair. Lots of advertising and flags plus signs out and about but few attendees outside of the residents. As a result I didn't sell enough to pay the expense of the crafts I made and to top it off I now have an abundance of crafts in boxes in my apartment.

After having time to consider the next move, I haven't decided yet how I'm going to sell all the stuff I made.  I have put a few items on Marketplace on FB but that's as far as I've gone. Only 1 bite and that's all it was. So beginning this week I will be posting more stuff. It doesn't hurt anything to do that and maybe some will sell. Beyond that there are options at other markets and even a garage sale or two. I do need to get with it though if I want to get rid of what I made before Christmas. And I do!

I had investigated an opportunity for the following weekend at another craft fair but the booth rent was to steep for me at that time but there are many popping up all around because of the season we are in so it will take effort but there are other possibilities. I will probably wait though until after Thanksgiving.

My great grand baby is coming for Thanksgiving and I'm busy making a stuffed lamb for her. It is her Christmas gift to give her at Thanksgiving so I can see her open it. She will be 5 months old. I already made a cloth book that is just pitiful but I will give it anyway. Mainly because she won't care what the imperfections are of it's appearance. It's titled "Mazie's Farm" and as you might imagine it contains cutouts of farm animals and a barn and tractor...each cut out and sewn on the pages. The reader is to make the appropriate sound as they point to each critter throughout the 4 pages. The page colors are bright and that's good but the sewing is, well it's shall I say lacks perfection?  She won't care. I have to buy some cloth paint to put the title on the front. "Mazi Visits A Farm" or something like that.

To make up for the lack in a "well done" cloth book, I'm making a stuffed lamb. It's coming along pretty well and should be together by tomorrow sometime. I'll make this post a draft so I can add pictures of both. That'll be fun. I think! Not sure this is gonna work but hope you can watch the book display page by page. First time I've tried to add a video... trial and error.

I feel a yawn coming on so maybe I can sleep a little before time to get up. Hope you enjoy this part....'til the next one...I'm Judy in the cottage playing around on my blog!

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