Monday, November 11, 2024


Such a cute little guy.

The daughter of a friend of mine caught this little fella between an access road and a major 6 lane freeway in a small grass area. He was scared and though several cars had stopped with people out and trying to woo him, he would not be caught. After all but one left, he finally gave in and was safe in the arms of someone who would in a couple of days bring him to me. 

That was a little less than 2 years ago. After a time of wrestling with my ability to keep him with me I called my friend to get the phone number of her daughter. I told the daughter my issue with keeping Milo and she was absolutely beside herself with the idea that she could have Milo. 

When she first met Milo there in that little grassy area of the freeway, she already had two small dogs and there just wasn't anyway to keep this little guy. Now, she had just one and so the possibility of her getting Milo was the very best thing she could imagine. Within a couple of weeks she had flown in to my town from halfway across the US to reclaim Milo. She had brought her other pooch with her so that the two could bond on the way home in a rental car.

It was a hard two weeks of anticipation between the phone call and her arrival to pick up my Milo. When the day came I had all Milo's things ready. A wicker suitcase filled with clothes and toys, dishes and food were sitting by the front door. Also, his bright yellow stroller. Similar to a baby stroller but specially designed for a small dog. 

I said goodbye to Milo that day and he could have cared less at the moment because he was in the back seat of the rental car with his new room mate Oliver, just about the same size but somewhat older. Getting to know each other and setting limits in the back seat. I must say, Milo was very happy.

I've heard just a little about him since which is the way I wanted it. He and Oliver are buds and Milo is too busy to miss his use-to-be home. I'm thankful and his new mom is very happy. 

So, that means I'm presently pet-less. I do miss him but, it needed to happen so I'm also relieved. I am a pet person so there will be another but it will be a kitten.  Not sure when but maybe before Christmas or for Christmas.  Something like that.  I found I am no longer able to take care of a dog's needs of which there were many for Milo, a young dog not fully trained whose needs were not compatible with the recent new living space we moved into. What I'm really and truly thankful for is the way things turned out for him to go back to the one who rescued him. She had wanted to keep him but at that time it just wasn't a possibility. She loved him at first sight. 

I look at in a good way I think and consider myself to have been his foster mom until his mom-in-waiting could keep him forever. I did not post this at the time of it's writing. I'm guessing it was harder than I thought but the time is right now.  Was recently looking into the cost and what all I want for a kitty and it is quite a bit of stuff. Of course, where will I put a cat tree? Hmm, things to consider. My rent will go up a few dollars but it's worth it. This is not the all in all on this subject...I'll be back on this!

It's Monday and a quiet day expected.  As always, this is Judy in the Cottage. Hope your day is an especially really good day! God Bless You.  Please leave a comment before you go.


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