Sunday, October 6, 2024

Something Happened when I Turned 80


It's October, that's nearly 6 months since my 80th birthday and I still am amazed that I'm actually 80 years old or young. "How can it be?" I say to myself quite regularly. It's even reflected in the mirror. I mean I had the normal aging skin as the normal American woman and then along came my 80th birthday. What's that about?

Here's what I have to say about all that....quite honestly I don't understand it? I'm actually still 30ish on the inside, that didn't change! Still looking for something meaningful to do with the rest of my life. (Been doing that since I was 30ish.) I am more sure of myself now than I ever was and even know who I am. Almost think it would have been great if I'd known that when I was 30ish. Plus what I know now about God's heart for me and those around me and learning more about that daily.

I'm actually beginning to realize that I've lived a long time and know things those younger than myself don't know anything about. They have no point of reference, therefore are clueless about some of the things I talk about. Understanding that everyday conversations have my inserts of past experience and understanding from knowledge of how things work that cannot be known by the younger in the conversation because they didn't live it and I did. Know what I mean?

I think the listener does but I'm wrong.  If they are more than 5 years younger, they can't conceive the fullness of my opinion or answer or deductions even if they are a history buff. Why? because they weren't there, present for the reality of whatever the subject might be, more especially if it's lifetimes lived. Nor can that person see it from my point of view because of the difference in life on earth living.  

I should now understand why I get flack in all kinds of demonstration. I think what I say should be understood as a given. Things I don't mention because I assume the listener understands because I do. BUT they don't and it's natural that they wouldn't...but I didn't get that until 80. Actually come to think of it happens with my age group and in those cases it's because of the difference in the life they lived. Or get this, even the difference is because they don't know what I know because I never mentioned what I know about a particular subject or whatever. It didn't come up or there was no need to mention what I knew about a thing. Get it?

Looks like I'm saying that when we converse with others and get odd responses, don't be offended. Ya just can't explain what you mean by every word you use when there's personal history behind that word or thought that causes you to have a different perspective. I can't explain every word/thought you have sometimes. Or maybe think you don't have to...

Maybe this is more about both the speaker and the listener. As a listener, if I don't understand something I let the speaker finish what they are talking about and if it hasn't been explained in the total of what they were saying, then I ask questions.

I'm just picking up on all this stuff at 80. This started when people started saying things that told me they either don't believe what I said, or they just don't know what I'm talking about and they try to attach what I've said to something they understand. (btw it doesn't work that way.). Well it is confusing from where I sit. Although when people find out that I'm 80 they say no, more like 60...go figure!

Here's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned. I shall live until I die, I shall be busy until I can't, I will bypass aches and pains and discomfort and just do it anyway whatever it is I want to do, and...I won't tell anyone I might be hurting, not feeling well, can't do something because I'm tired!!! That's concerning living a normal day in a normal way for me. If I really can't do something physically then I won't do it. No complaining. If I really need to go to a doctor I will. The second commandment reads, love your neighbor as you love yourself...I shall love myself by taking care of myself so that I can love my neighbor.

What does that mean to me? I'm making changes in what I eat...backing off of processed foods as much as I can. Making my own bread, not buying boxed foods as much as possible. Eating real sugar but not white, using pink salt, cooking not going out or no fast foods as much as possible. Using real butter, no carbonated drinks. And so on. No covid vaccines but have taken a forever flue, pneumonia, and shingles. Will not take any further vaccines. Will start drinking water that is pure, no additives of anykind. and not from the tap (have to investigate this one). As for loving my neighbor I'm working on 1 Corinthians 13:4...

That's it for this post. May the God of all creation Bless you all, your coming in and going out, everything you lay your hands to as you abide in him and he in you, give you favor and prosper you in health, friendships, family and in the pursuit of living right every day. I'm Judy in the cottage starting my day early.

Please leave a comment before you leave. Thanks, it means a lot to me even if it's just Hi!



Anonymous said...

Hi Judy!!! I’m loving your drive to do new things! Love you bunches!!!! Deidre

J Chase Writer said...

Ecstatic at seeing your comment. Such encouragement! Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy. I saw your post on the Gardeners Cottage and decided to stop by. I had to laugh reading about turning 80 and wondering how in the world that ever happened! LOL I'm going to be 72 in December and I've been wondering the same thing ever since I hit 70!! It still shocks me even as I write this! I enjoyed your post and Lord willing, will try and visit you when I can. Keep writing and sharing your life with us. Muriel

J Chase Writer said...

Thanks so very much for your encouraging comment. Hope you do visit again and again. I'm beginning to feel like a real blogger as I finally have evidence there are real readers stopping by. Yay!!!


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