Saturday, October 19, 2024

Miracles Do Happen Today




The above painting is one of four paintings I have done in the last 3 weeks or so. I will be posting all four soon with an explanation of why the Aspen and why so many.


This post is about a friend of mine who I will call "JJ"! She is 81 and lively, interested in everything with always something interesting and fun to hear about.  JJ had not been feeling well for a few days and at the advice of friends and family I took her to a local ER satellite. Within a couple of hours she was in hospital and the subject of all kinds of testing. After all the preliminaries it was decided that she had at sometime had a major heart attach and an angiogram would be administered. On about the 4th morning of her stay the test was administered. All seemed to be expecting that the left side of her heart was dead mostly and much scarring was present in her heart muscle. Very grim. JJ didn't know about what the preliminary test findings were or exactly why the angiogram would be done.

The test results were made known to the family first, but not until the following day. There was no evidence of scarring or damage done to her heart ever. Nothing at all showed up, her heart muscle is as it should be at age 81 for a female. The only reason for her crisis was an infection which was readily taken care of before leaving the hospital.  

JJ is home and taking things a bit slower than the norm for her and gaining strength day by day. The apparent infection had gotten into her blood stream thus the need for taking the meds given and living a bit slower for a few days.

It's now been just a little over a week since she got to go home and she's back in full activity, rejoicing at what God did in her body.

Here's what I think! In this world today, the last thing we look for is a miracle. When one does occur the temptation is to explain it away. I say, don't do that! Miracles can and do happen everyday everywhere and to anyone. People have become so cynical and the sad thing about it is, we miss what our Creator is doing everyday.  So, what if it isn't a miracle? Yea?, so what? What if it is!? and what if He did it for you! or someone you love, or know or heard about?

God, the Creator of all things created, does miracles all the time. Even in your life. I believe it's a better way to think about the things that happen in our lives as we go along, especially in the days that we are living in. 

I challenge you to look for miracles, good things everywhere you are everyday. Start pointing them out to yourself and others. Look for the little things and pay attention to what you are seeing, hearing and what's going on around you. Look for good....I guarantee you will find the good if you intentionally look for it.

It's me, Judy in the Cottage on a Saturday. Hope you enjoy this post and will comment. God Bless all that you lay your hands to as you seek to see his heart for you. Psalm 139

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