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The Wedding

 Update...Wedding was  great and couple are  now Mr. and Mrs. and all the guests are gone, place is cleaned up and couple are on their honey moon. As for me? Whew, I've had a day of rest and plan on a couple more then hit the floor running toward the Craft Fair...have much to do but not today, tomorrow or the next day. It was fun, the wedding lovely and the reception great with lots of relatives to get caught up with. The couple will come back to their little cottage that's all fixed up and she is moved in for the most part, just her clothes and other personal items. The new life for them has begun, God bless them and their lies together, Amen

The painting has nothing to do with the Topic. It is one of the first paintings I actually sold. Painted in the 70's on  3/4" Plywood with Oils. My Mother had it professionally framed. I always liked it!

and now...

The Wedding

My youngest grandson is getting married to his long time girlfriend, fiance on Saturday next.  He is my husbands namesake so his first name is the last name and his middle name is my husbands middle name. He turned 19 earlier this year and is a remarkable young man. One some would call an old soul because of his level of maturity at such a young age. Just a  couple of years ago he earned and saved his money and bought a used VW before he had his license to drive.  How did he do that? Well, any money he got from gifts, paid odd jobs doing all sorts of things and as soon as legal his first job...he saved! He just saved! Every bit of it. I nearly couldn't believe it, but he did. 

Anyway, both sides of the families are in agreement  and it's just a wonderful and unusual gathering of two families helping  in the process of planning and getting ready for the big day.

 I'm the only grandparent on his side and his soon to be Bride has 3 but I haven't met them yet. I am part of the wedding party so I'm going to the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, wedding and reception dinner. I'm taking assorted cubed cheeses for the reception dinner. It's a small wedding with lots of the Bride's family pitching in using their many talents in dressmaking, baking and decorating and will be in a small Church that the couple have been attending for several years beginning in the lower grades of high school. Lots of family will attend. I do have to say that's it's much larger than my wedding. They are pretty much fixed for household needs through several wedding showers given in the last couple of months so there have been gifts galore.

I haven't been to a wedding since my youngest daughter got married as I recall and that was 25 years ago. I am ready though. Have had my outfit for a month at least. Thursday I'm going all out and getting a mani and a pedi, just because. I had to have a dress for the rehearsal and a different one for the wedding but I'm good and ready pretty much.  Such a big event and because much family will be around, I get to hold my 3 month old great grand daughter over the festivities and that's a super duper big deal. 

A little bit sad that my husband isn't alive to take it all in. He would have loved every minute and would have been in the middle of everything whether invited or not, he just woulda!  There will be a table set up at the reception I think with relative's pictures displayed so I've provided a good picture of him. I didn't know it's what's done now. Things do change. 

I'll be one of the oldest attending the big event. The Bride's grand parents are in their 80's also which means I won't be the oldest, just among the oldest.  Never thought of myself that way...hmmmm!

The couple are so young! That was my first thought! But...I was 18 and my husband had just turned 20 two months before we married. So, what can I say?  Except...they are so young. He has a full time job and has as much higher education as he intends at this point anyway. I'm not sure but I think he has an associates in business but I could be wrong. Yeah, he was home schooled so way advanced in his education compared to public school graduates. He was actually attending junior college while attending high school and a month after his high school graduation, he graduated from the 2 year college he was going to simultaneously/

Can you tell I'm amazed and very proud of this young man?

Today was a somewhat sad day because I gave my little companion Milo away and he left yesterday in the early evening for North Carolina. It was for the best for him and I know I needed to do it for him. The young woman I gave him to is the one who rescued him from the grassy area between the highway and the access road just outside of town nearly 2 years or more ago. She had him 3 days before she found me.

So, he's on his way with her and her other dog Otis whom Milo just loves and considers himself the little brother of.  And, it's been so quiet today and all his things are gone. I will eventually replace him with  a kitten but not until after the first of the new year.  Too many things on the calendar between now and then.

Well, this has been a long post but then it's been a little longer between posts this time so lots going on. I do hope those of you who are reading my posts enjoy this one. It is a little different but never-the-less life of a now 80 year old widow, still determined to live everyday completely all in! I truly hope the last few weeks have been successful and the ones following will also be prosperous even though the times we are living in seem to be against us. I know the One who can keep me where I need to be and I hope you do as well.

This is Judy in Gramms Cottage writing at 3:42am the day after Labor Day 2024, saying goodnight and peace be with you all.


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