That's my cat Iris. First is the cabinet being dismantled in part. Second is the working cabinet. The piece propped up on the side is the inside of the front door.
One more month and 2024 turns over to 2025 and I've been writing this blog for much longer than previous attempts. Happy December to you and yours. It's evaluation time, we'll see what happens...
Monday, September 16, 2024
Dyscalculia at 80
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Budgeting Social Security at 80, oh dear!
You'd think that at 80 years old one would have mastered working with a monthly would think! Living on Social Security is not for the meek. When I think about it I think well how hard can it be? I get one check every month and it's the same amount every month. Right? Right!
So what's the problem?
Good question, what is the problem Judy?
Okay, I'll tell you the problem. The amount of the check never varies. It's always the same and the date I receive it is always the same unless the date it is due is on a weekend or holiday and then it comes on the Friday before it's due.
That sound's easy enough!
Let me finish. After setting up the due date with my apartment I then make arrangements with the bank. Then the month starts and the auto payments for rent, electricity and all the other regular payments to be made begin hitting the bank. So far so good.
Then one of the auto payments is increased from the merchant and you didn't get a warning, or at least you don't remember getting a notice soon. So one of the first checks bounce so you go look at your budget and discover one of the auto pays took 2 payments at the same time. So now you are in trouble. So you hurry up today to instigate a change on the spreadsheet you've been working off of. And so it goes for the next 2 weeks. It all looks pretty good with just a few minor number changes. Somewhere in the last week you get notification that a payment was not made. And you apparently spend the money because you thought all the payments have been clearing day by day and though there were a few surprises things are looking pretty good.
So because you are confident in the numbers, You start doing a little at a time of shopping. Then a bill in the in box says that you had forgotten to pay. That sort of thing seems to continue on through the next 2 weeks and before you know it there's just few dollars left.
AND THEN...the car starts acting up making loud tapping noises and it just keeps getting louder and then, oh no, the engine light comes on. Ok, that's it, time to call the mechanic. Now the car is in the garage until later this week and I' thinking about having it towed, that is if the insurance covers that reason for towing. I'll know that in the morning when I call the insurance. At this point I refuse to worry about where's the money coming from to fix the car?
Because there's no piggy bank or sock under the matteess and the wallet is empty there's only one other option. If you're thinking what I'm thining thaen that one last option is "faith and trust" that The God that created all that is created is well able and even willing to see me through this and so that's where I am as I type. I'm hoping and continuing to pray asking for more favor than usual. That's what I'm determined to do is quite fretting over this issue at the beginning of already designated funds with nothing extra left...I trust that God will make a way....
To be continued
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
The Wedding
Update...Wedding was great and couple are now Mr. and Mrs. and all the guests are gone, place is cleaned up and couple are on their honey moon. As for me? Whew, I've had a day of rest and plan on a couple more then hit the floor running toward the Craft Fair...have much to do but not today, tomorrow or the next day. It was fun, the wedding lovely and the reception great with lots of relatives to get caught up with. The couple will come back to their little cottage that's all fixed up and she is moved in for the most part, just her clothes and other personal items. The new life for them has begun, God bless them and their lies together, Amen
The Wedding
Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...

Well hello! I have a favor to ask of you. I know, I don't have any leverage over anyone who stops in on my blog so I'm not trying t...
She being me, don't ya know! It's late and I should have stopped writing an hour ago but I'm here instead....writing. The proc...
That's the way it was just before the movers came in and took all my stuff away to a pod on the apartment complex property. I had pack...