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Visit to Nurse PA and then...stayed!

Went to see the nurse and ended up in the ER then the hospital!

Who knew? Well of course God knew. At some juncture the thought did occur to me that I was going to hospital, but it was a fleeting thought. Sure, enough one thing led to another and there I was at 10am in bed in the ER at the hospital where I worked a long time ago in the gift shop. The hospital that my youngest daughter spent most of her 30-year career as a nurse. She was who I called when the VA Nurse Practitioner advised me very strongly to go to an ER. We left my car in the parking lot and at about 10 checked into the ER without having to wait as I recall. 

The whole protocol has changed since I was in hospital several years back. Now there is an ER doctor and hospitalists who are the hospitals doctors who rotate shifts who call all the shots literally. Specialists consult but it's the hospitalist who writes the orders for everything. He admits and discharges. Any other doctor in your life has not position except to do surgery. Specialists' can be called in but though they can order testing it is the hospitalist who actually puts all things in motion.

 My cardiologist ordered a test but it was the hospitalist who got it on the move and though the specialist told me to make an appointment in two weeks and he'd tell me what the test revealed. But that didn't happen...too many people on the way. I have yet to get an appointment from the powers that be. I expect to hear about that maybe next week, maybe. I had really good care in spite of all the rigmarole. 

Meals were excellent. All good color and tasty and more than enough food. Everything in that area was best ever as far as I'm concerned. The reason for all of the attention was triple digit numbers in my blood pressure and a really low heartbeat. The bp numbers have been going on since March this year and this is now August 3rd. I'm glad to be home and the numbers are all good now. A good many meds changed and some deleted. Since I've been home, I'm just plain tired. My EKG showed some scar tissue so the cardiologist things I've had an attack but I'm guessing I'll find out when at the appointment in his clinic. My daughter has been the best during the whole 5 days...guess 6 days now. She had all the information the doctors asked me for...I had no clue! And when I needed help, she went to bat for me and got what was needed during the 4 days I was there. She took Milo home with her. 

Milo was my dog at the time. He looks like a small black fox for which I'm exceedingly thankful... I couldn't have done so well without my daughter. This is the second day home and I'm ok but really tired. Didn't get to go to my grandsons wedding shower... and won't be going to church tomorrow. Not all that stable walking. I spent every day in bed. The walking I did was from the bed to the bathroom and back. So thankful to back in my own bed with my pooch. I'm on the mend and should be up and at'em the beginning of the week and I'm looking forward to that. In the meantime, I haven't done much of anything. 

About Milo...He has gone to North Carolina to live with his new mom and new brother Otis, a graying Chiwawa. (Can never remember how to spell it so it's phonetic.) I came back to this post to add the picture and decided to do some editing in the spelling and grammar and thought to redo Milo's info. I Miss him but he's got a buddy now to interest him and not be alone when his mom is gone. He was pretty lonesome with me.

 Guess I'll turn out the light on the day. This is Judy from Gramms Cottage with Milo alongside saying goodnight and God Bless all. Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.


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