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Sometimes Life is Just Hard

So I've put some pictures up for you to see why I've named this post "Sometimes Life is Just Hard". When I moved into my new apartment there was a flowerbed on the right next to the garage on my way to the front door. It was full of white landscaping rock. Because my frontdoor along with my porch neighbor is an alcove that collects whatever the wind blows the white rocks collect that stuff and it looses it's attrativeness. Sooo, I advertised on marketplace for white landscape rock FREE for the taking. Not too many days after I posted there was a taker. He and his significant other were doing some landscaping and he wanted the rock. And he actually did come and get all the rock (or at least the white rock, there was more than one level). As advertised, he took both mine and my neighbors rock Well then what? I had no plan.So for the last several weeks the flower bed was bare dirt with the second layer of rock revealing itself here and there. So, while I was thinking about what I was going to do with the flowerbed, I raked the remaining rock into piles with kind of a design developing in the process. The second picture is the beginnings of the plan I came up with. This was after clearing it with the management of the complex I live in. There is no water access in the flowerbed. There use to be but it has since stopped working and the sprinkler heads have been capped, so absolutely no water. The plan is...artificial turf with islands and a water feature. Some potted plants and eventually plantings of ornamental, drought tollerant grasses and whatever else I come up with all which will be planted on the islands. I spent last eveing laying the artifical turf. Hopefully I got the nap of the grass baldes heading all the same way. Using 6' nails each cut piece is nailed to the ground. The heads of the nails show, so I'm going to have to figure out how to fix that. I did buy some play sand for the infill which will be sprinkled on the turf, after I brush up the blades of grass so that they are standing up straight. The infill is suppose to help keep the blades standing up, weight the grass material down, and help the turf hug the ground. The turf I purchased was 3'x9' and I knew it wouldn't be enough to do the entire area I wanted to cover. I'm not really good at measuring for such a job so I elected to order one piece, lay it before ordering the rest of what I need. Anyway. I got as far as nailing the pieces down on the dirt. The next step will be to brush the blades up so they are standing up intsead of laying down. Then comes the sprinkling of the play sand and then somehow camoflaging the nail heads. Maybe just painting them to match the turf will work. May need to tape the back side of the turf where there are pieces joined to help keep them in place. BTW, it's not hard to pull up the nails. The water feature is a small pond ground with some big rocks and fake greenery placed around. I checked it out before buying the turf and it worked well. Later I plugged it in and it didn't work. I purchased a water resistant outdoor extension cord and haven't tested it yet but have decided that if the pump doesn't turn on when plugged in, I'm going to replace it with a solar operated pump. I probably should have done that to start with but I had an electric pump already so I put it in place. ld Sometimes Life gets Hard and this project has tested my abilities to carry out the plan. There's more to come and I'll be posting next time on the completion of the project in a couple of weeks. To tell the truth, I love the challenge and at 80, I operate under the idea that if I don't use it I'll loose it...talking about my physical strength. So until then don't let difficultiy stop you from doing things. Just do it! This is Judy on a Friday night doing what I really enjoy doing and that's writing. Blessings to all who read what I share and please leave a comment. I really would love to hear from you.


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