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Showing posts from June, 2024

Crafting Again...YAY!

Everything's a big mess in my new craft room. I clean up and then mess it up! an ongoing cycle and I absolutely love crafting in my craft room. There's going to be a craft fair at my new apartment complex in October. I understand they do so every year. Apparently I get 2 6' long tables at no charge and I can sell my crafts and keep all the proceeds. So I have begun my planning as well as crafting. My list of crafts to be ready to sell includes, hand crafted jewelry by me, refreshed old jewelry collected, origami folded paper shirts that hold money or a gift Card, junk journals and small paper books for notes titled "something to write on" designed for purse or wallet, jewelry crafts like wall hangings and yard sale items renewed that haven't sold in the past like ceramic containers with floral arrangement included and various other renewed or newly adapted for new uses items.   Have already started making, selecting things, cleaning things, refreshing things a

Hello readers in Hong Kong

Every time I post I look at who reads my blog. Not really who but where the readers are in this world. The biggest or most readers are from Hong Kong so far for June. What a suprise and I just want to say thank you for visiting and reading. I would love to hear from you in the comment section if you want even just to say Hi. If you would like for me to write about something you want to know about leave your idea in the comment and I will write about your request. It would certainly be a pleasure to do so. This is a picture of my back porch at my new home.

Did I tell you I'm a great grandmother?

 Isn't it wonderful?                                                                                                                    So thankful for Mazie! Mazie  7.11#'s And she's beautiful. I've gotten lots of pictures thanks to my daughter who is with her daughter and her new baby daughter. Well, that's my big news. They live far far away but it's okay. When I was having my babies I lived far far away from my parents and grandparents. Technology may be frustrating sometimes but I'm sure thankful that I get to see her in real time on my laptop and hear the conversations  going on while I get to watch baby Mazie sleep. LOL, I think that's funny. It is actually fun and a treat to get to see her sleeping while life goes on around her she is all snuggled up sleeping.    In the mean time back at the cottage, I've unpacked the last box and busy now organizing the closets and each room, one at a time. Some rooms, like the craft room, are a continual or