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It's a New Day and a New Home

  May 1st was the big day and now it's the 15th of May and I have just a few boxes left to unpack but lots of stuff to find a place for and of course there's the Craft Room to be completely organized...Oh Happy Day!

This is the before shot.


It's a 12'x12' room and includes my office in the forefront right. Can't really see or actually tell but there's a home made desk out of two file cabinets and a large piece of 3/4" plywood for the desk top laying on top of the file cabinets..hey, it works. Just below the window is a red storage bench and there will be something to lean against so that on snow and stormy days I can sit on the bench with a cuppa coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy the view. This is my happy place.

It's been a ride though. Seems there's been chaos all around the outskirts of this event. Just the other day while driving 40mph on a busy street a couple of good size dogs ran in front of my bumper making a horrible noise and I saw them out of the corner of my eye running over the curb into a yard. I didn't see them until then. Unbelievable the damage they caused to my 2003 Toyota Echo, standard. A tough little car. I had it in the shop today to check out the damage and it is pretty much crumpled  the underneath parts of the front end. The only critical spot is the pinching of the a/c hose and the Mechanic used a crowbar to pull the metal back off the hose, no damage to the hose. Meanwhile the front end is zip tied together and duck taped on the outside complements of my son-in-law and grandson.

A little later I stopped at a grocery store on my way home to find some duck tape (maybe) and there was none. However, in among the businesses there was a Sherwin Williams store so I stoped there and though they had no duct tape for sale one of the salesmen using his personal roll of tape, taped my bumper a bit and also noticed my rear tire was flat. As directed by the salesman I drove over to the air thingy at the grocery store gas station where a gentleman helped put air in the tire and used one of those cans of tire fix (I had in the trunk) to seal the hole temporarily. It worked and the next morning I took the car to the tire place and got a new tire.  This is just one story of the outlying chaos I've been dealing with during this move.

It's been a challenge for this 80 year old but, not so much as to keep me from the goal and process of completing the move. I love my new home. And all the hindrance's haven't really hindered enough to make me sit down. Nope, too many boxes to unpack and too much fun putting things in place/organizing. I love it.

Along the way I've had help from all directions and the whole thing has been a blessing full of surprises that continue. No worries though there has been plenty of opportunity to worry. I've worried for nothing. 

In the evenings Milo and I spend some time out the back door on the little veranda, me rocking in the chair my kids brought as a housewarming gift (one of several).
That's it for this's 7:30 am on May 15th. I'm a happy girl...stay tuned for more on the organization and decorating of my new home which is an apartment in a Senior Living Complex (independant). Did I mention I have a garage?  Not in the recliner this time, I'm propped up in bed and the dog is under the covers. Time to get up. Bless each one who reads this post...Judy

September 4, 2024 Update 
Last Saturday August 31st I entertained most of the friends who helped me move into my new home. It was a come and go thank you party between 2 and 4 that afternoon. I'm happy to say that it was a really good time with a little over half of the invitation list coming to see what God has done through them in getting me moved in. 

I spent the prior week getting the place ready and it was indeed a good thing because now that the visitors have seen it all I'm happy to say that I pretty much all in. By that I mean that during that "work" week, I put things where they really belong from where I just put them  when I first unpacked all those boxes. Even to the extent of re re-arranged the craft room and labeled most of the drawers, shelves, trays and other misc. containers and so I can find what I need and the room looks really good compared to the picture on this original post. The above picture is of the entry from the street to the front door. That little patch of flowerbed is my creation after getting rid of the original white rock  only to find layer upon layer of more rock which is what is now little rock islands in my landscape design that made use of those hidden rocks with the potted plants and even a water feature near the front downspout with actual active sounds of water as my guests walked up to my front door. Hard to see is a small arrow signage that reads "gramms cottage" with a few little lambs added.  I think I'm now officially home!

As for the rest of my new home, it looks great and just like it should. It was however a bitter sweet day and I will leave that hanging for the next "New" post coming soon! God Bless You all who read and for coming to my "Come and Go" party.

I'm Judy and I approve this update!!!


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