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Showing posts from May, 2024

Something Happened and I must tell...

 Over the past few months I've been leading a Bible Study group of generally 4 ladies, 5 including myself. I say leading rather than teaching because that's what happens. We are using a book written by Dr. Jeremiah "The God You May Not Know". Our group meets every week at the home of one of the ladies and is always relaxed and always a cold canned Pepsi is offered. We are all Seniors and range from the 60's to the 80's. My groups are usually talkers because I encourage questions and comments even small debates at times. The point is to learn from the material and each other. I truly believe Holy Spirit resides within each believer and He is our ultimate teacher and I like to hear what he has to say through each of the participants. Of course there must be constraints of sorts but that's to fit within our time limit and to stay on task. The Bible is on hand of course. This study has changed me and I am surprised and totally in! I've been a Christian, bo
  Draft, another Draft and I'm fixin to write another....Oh No!  Wull...who kew. I just pulled up my blog to write a new post and found 3, maybe even 4 drafts that I had not pushed the publish button on! So, I just published my last which is about the move and "I'm in" story. But right now, this post is about finally....all the unpackable boxes are unpacked. Wa-Hooo! And there are wall hangings up in every room, curtains are up where they should be and a couple of windows with 2" blinds only ( I love the look and the light). I'm taking a couple of days off and then I'll be straightening and organizing the closets one by one and the rest of the rooms as it goes along. My car is finally in the garage every night and on one side of the garage inside is a row of empty boxes and on the other wall has a few opened boxes with stuff to be distributed still inside...small boxes. There are now 2 shelving units in the garage on the inside wall where the door to the

It's a New Day and a New Home

  May 1st was the big day and now it's the 15th of May and I have just a few boxes left to unpack but lots of stuff to find a place for and of course there's the Craft Room to be completely organized...Oh Happy Day! This is the before shot.