Saturday, April 20, 2024

9 days and a wake-up

9 days and a wake-up.

That's how may days until May 1 when I move from my current apartment to my new apartment home.
And what a ride this has been. 

It began in January with packing, thought it ended mid February so I unpacked but it wasn't true so I started packing up again and now It's just a few day until I get to unpack hopefully for the last time and what a relief it is to think like that. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions and planning and work-my budget and then packing and imagining all different kinds of scenarios. That's what I do when there's a big deal going on. I plan. So the next time I write will  be after the move.
And if I'm behaving outside the norm (or maybe it's actually my  norm!?) my Milo is beside himself with all the walls of boxes and of all things I moved his crate and now when I tell him to get in his crate, he doesn't know where it is!!!

I've promised him that when we get to our new home there won't be any walls of boxes and he will have a pillow in every room and his crate will  be in a special permanent place so he will always know where it is. I don't think he believes me.  Nearly everything is done and so these last few days I don't do any
real packing. Just house keeping and arranging things for the last go round of packing. I'm now living out of a borrowed suitcase. 

The drawers of my dresser are all empty and the closet is nearly empty with just a very few things
hanging. The shelf is bare and so is the floor. All the furniture in my bedroom is now empty with just 
a few, very few things laying around that will eventually be in a box. The Saturday before the 1st is 
a major packing day of all that remains. That being the kitchen. Then the day before the 1st will be
the last toss in a box day. That's for all those things that just didn't seem to belong in any other box. 
Either too small or awkward or got missed. I have a couple of friends with SUV's that are going to
take a load in their vehicles. They will load up two days before the move. Then bring their load
over at their convenience. As many times as I have moved there are some things that are always the
same and one is that no matter the planning, things never go the way you had in mind and, it always costs more than you thought it would. Of course I've planned for that but still...

The pictures on the side are the plants that I sold to help pay for this adventure. All except the last hanging spider plant. I kept it and it will hang outside on the back porch until it gets to be cold weather again. By that time I will have replaced the others and added more because there's more room. My day dream is to have a bunch of plans in pots and hanging in front of the living room window that faces South. They will be situated on river rock on a tarp with wood stumps edging. All shapes and sizes an I 
will have my own little forest. When the warm weather comes back around the plants will stay where 
they are, t least most will. I plan on having a Bogainvillea outside so when the weather changes it will come inside and hopefully bloom inside during the winter. I might even get a Plumeria before winter
and it can bloom inside too. Well, as you can probably tell, I can go on and on in my "planning".

I might go into the part of this time I referred to as "a ride" in my next post. It might really help some-
one. Blessings to all and hop you are enjoying the spring weather where you live. There's a bigger story here and I want to tell it because it's encouraging. In this day and time we need all the encouraging
words we can get. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Until next time, I am Judy writing to you late on a Friday night while my pup sleeps in his crate and some slow jazz playing  on my music selection on You Tube. BTW, it rained most of the day here so it's been a relaxing day at my place.
Good night

Spring in my front flowerbed. Beautiful Iris from a good friend! They will stay!


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