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Showing posts from March, 2024

Are you forsaking the fellowship of the saints?

  The Challenge: is it fellowship or is it church? Just this past week as the teacher/leader of a Bible Study of about 6 Senior women, I made a comment.  During a rather long comment I said "I haven't been a member of a church for a long time". What I meant was, I had not officially joined a church. There are several reasons for that beginning with having been a Pastor in a denominational church of course I was a member officially. After resigning from the official position I attended another church. I changed churches several times over 17+ years being faithful and very active in each church I attended. Recently I've been attending a small denominational church and the comment I made at first was I'm thinking I may actually join the church I've been attending." Then followed the above statement about not having been a member...! A few moments later one of the group asked me how did I reconcile the scripture about not forsaking the fellow shipping of the
 What a Surprise!!!  An absolute Surprise!  Unexpected and beyond my plan... A lot has happened since my last writing and with all of that, I'm jumping to the now of it all. The IT is I'm moving May 1st out of my present place into the above half of a duplex. It's amazing to me. I was in the midst of relinquishing my present apartment for 2 weeks while the new owner renovated my apartment,when things went down a different road than I expected in the process. I decided I needed to find another place to live so I started the search online as well as contacting realtors I know personally to be on the look out for a rental house not an apartment. I got lots and lots of feed back and toured a couple of places when a particular senior complex came into view. As I looked at and considered house living and the cost and care, one of my realtor friends was pointing me towards a condo and suggesting other options other than a house. So, when the senior complex came to my attention I w