Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2024 Already!!!


February 2024 is already in process and it just keeps moving forward. Doesn't seem possible that the days should be allowed to move by so fast. It's actually always like that unless there's there's something pending up ahead you can't hardly wait for.  Like Christmas, Birthdays, meeting someone special, or going somewhere special. When those pending things are, well, pending time seems to go so slow. Otherwise I don't know about you but I seem to wake up and notice it's another weekend ahead and what happened to those days in between.

So why this subject today...As my apartment complex continues to be renovated, everywhere I look, there's construction and heavy equipment, worker men everywhere. New, air conditioners per apartment, new roof over every apartment, front and back paint job, movers moving belongings from apartments to pods and back again. My apartment belongings are almost completely packed for Tuesdays move out. After my belongings are in storage I will go to a motel for 15 days. If that really happens, It's supposed to because she promised she would find a place for me and Milo.

I will spend 15 days in a motel and I plan on making it a vacation of sorts. Spending time doing a puzzle or two, writing, hot tub every day, free breakfast every morning and a walk with Milo and depending what the motel grounds are like. No Bible Study on Tuesdays, not even church on Sundays. I will be on vacation. Haven't done vacation in several years.

I bought a stroller for Milo so if it arrives in time  we will take walks and he will go with me in the mornings to breakfast and to the pool. This whole renovation has been very stressful on all the residents in our complex. When it's over there will be redecorating and much fun and I'm looking forward to 18 days from now. 

I need the time off.

🖼I must be winding down at the prospect if relaxing because I can't think of anything else to say. I am gonna attach some pics of my stacked boxes for the movers to take away on Tues.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad I finally came to your blog. Keep writing! Love you bunches.


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