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Showing posts from January, 2024

Controversy: hymns or choruses? Then or now?

"David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod." 2 Samuel 6 Just a loin cloth, nothing more. David's wife was distraught to say the least that he, David would uncover himself before the eyes of his servants' maids, as any vulgar fellow might shamelessly uncover himself/" (2 Samuel 6:20) David replied, "It was before the Lord...I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes"...David's wife had no children, which likely meant to communicate that God took David's side. The time the nation's leader danced in his underwear  (blog) I hear every once in a while about how hymns are so much better than the choruses sung now all over the world. I'm listening to Hillsong at this writing. My husband and I went to Christ For The Nations (CFNI) in Dallas, Texas and graduated in 1987. We were in our early 40's, the rest of the

And we are in...2024

  Are you glad it's over? I find it seems to always be a bitter sweet time when the new year is present and all the decorations seem to have lost their luster. Sometimes, in some years, there seemed to be an urgency to take all the decor down and pack it away as quickly as possible. This year it's a different story at my home... I reside in what use to be a Senior Citizen complex and that recently changed to a family complex along with new ownership. In addition to new owners, a new community designation has come with complete renovation of the entire complex. The whole process had a slow start in mid Summer with much confusion and misinformation given out to the residents bringing an unsettled atmosphere among the residence, self included. Today January 7 I have begun a 30 day packing process which will end February 6. On that day movers will come and remove all the boxes I've personally packed  of all my belongings and my furniture and remove it all to a pod for storage.