Saturday, October 14, 2023

One of those days...

 I'll ask but I know the answer. Have you ever had one of those days when it seems like all that comes to mind is: my friends are against me; I never hear from my family; Why can't I ever do anything right; I feel so all alone; why doesn't anyone ever call me; and all the shoulda's, woulda's, coulda's...? Ever had one of those ? or two or maybe a week or month?

All through my life seasons, those days have popped in and out of my thoughts. They seem to come from nowhere and everywhere. Seems like out of the blue, I'm just fine, no problems and then there those thoughts are. Well, guess what? I actually have an answer and even a means to get rid of them. So, here it is.

Several years ago I came across a book titled "Battlefield of the Mind". In this writing the author gives examples of just what I started this blog with, all those unwanted thoughts. You may or may not be familiar with the author but I have actually learned from her book how to not just control the popping in and out of such negative and sometimes debilitating thinking. The author hits the nail on the head about where the thoughts come from and how to get rid of them and even the fact, yup, fact that we don't have to think those thoughts. Joyce Meyer is the author of this relevant book. I keep the book and refer to it as needed and I loan it out. That's where it is now.

Just a couple of days ago, later in the day the thoughts I'm talking about began to very slowly present themselves to me. For a while I allowed them, even considered and got somewhat emotional about them and then...I realized! 

First thing to understand in my case I was unusually tired. Vulnerable to such emotional thinking as I this day. I didn't just think about one scenario but several different instances that I didn't think I was important to the ones I thought I should receive additional care and attention from. The thoughts continued to become a problem in that a tear rolled down my cheek...

It was that tear that got my attention. I realized what had been happening and what was going on in my thoughts. All negative. In each area, there wasn't anything I could do to fix anything. That was another attention get'er. That's when I said, "self, just stop, stop with the thoughts"!  I absolutely changed my mind. You can do that! Yup, you can! Sometimes it can be more difficult any you have to be tenacious, but if you are a believer in Jesus then you have help. 

All throughout the Bible are the words "ask". To go along with that word are the words "I will answer". Lots of people look at God as a man and refer to him as "the man upstairs". But, he is not a man. He is God and he doesn't lie. Man does that, Satan who is the father of lies does that...but God does not lie. Not ever. Not even once has he lied. So, if you ask for help, he will answer.

First things first, you don't have to think on everything that pops into your mind.                               Second, change your mind. Think about something pleasant. (ya have to be persistent)                      Third, ask

It's easy to think we are the only one going through tough things. That's just not true. If you are having a hard time, with anything, there's always someone who has been there before you. Just knowing that can help defray the intensity. Then if you start talking about it, that also helps you hear what you are saying, which in turn helps to think about what you are saying and does what you are saying make sense? 

I have a really good friend who is my sounding board. Most of the time she doesn't have any comment. She just let's me talk. I usually hear what I've been thinking and realize that some of it just is unimportant in the scheme of things. 

Hope this is helpful for someone. Thought it somehow needed. The Joyce Meyer book "Battlefield of the Mind" is highly recommended by many and by me.

This is once again Judy...Published Author ;) at my new computer arrangement in the cottage. Blessings as you come and go throughout the week ahead.


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