Friday, October 6, 2023

Oh What a Beautiful Morning...

 Every morning Milo and I go for a walk around the apartment complex we live in. This particular morning the air was just a little bit crisp! So out of the ordinary for this year's SW Texas Summer temps. A wonderful indicator of the changing season. It's been a hotter Summer than last year, even the cotton crop shows the result of days and days of over 100 degrees. Welcome Fall, to Lubbock, Texas. We are all glad you're here.

These are beautiful days but there is a bit of an anxious feeling in the air around me.  I keep thinking that there will be an email announcing that the book is ready. But, there are still a few hurdles between then and now. There's so much ahead of me when the book actually is in my hand and it's all unknown to me. I love adventure and even the unknown ahead brings a bit of excitement along with just a tad of "can I do this?", and yet I know I can because He is going before me, actually has already paved the way through the marketing aspect. So, with pending eagerness, I wait!

In the mean time my new to me refurbished PC died with a audible bang and I sent it back to the refurbisher today and the refund will be back into my bank account fairly soon.  One thing has led to another and I've decided to hook up my computer monitor to my Acer Chromebook and use what I have to continue to write my next book.

Oh, have I mentioned there is another one cooking in my head and heart? Anyway, I have  MicroSoft Office on the Chromebook which is what the publisher wants the manuscript typed in for their publishing purposes. It's gonna work just fine for my purposes and won't be out any monies for a computer.  And, I know whose provision it is and I'm thankful that He provides the ideas to "just keep swimming". (a "Nemo" reference) 

I just have to say this because it's part of what's going on in my life at 79. So, this is it...I'm so amazed that this is happening at this time in my life. I do think I've been prepared through the years for where I am now and for however long it lasts, I'm loving the challenge. Life is exciting and each day is great to wake up to.  

Speaking of imagination, I've bought and gotten ride of several 2 drawer file cabinets over the past 10 years and I just bought another...because I don't have one right at the time I found the one I now have. It was a pale blue with white handles and it is now white with white handles. I cleaned it up, spray painted it white and it's in it's place with files in the drawers! Now maybe I will be able to find things. I got it at the ReStore for $8.00 on sale. Yes the drawers work just fine...I thought you might be wondering...

This has been a long post and it's getting late and I'm calling it a night. 

I'm Judy in the cottage with Milo curled up in his round bed sleeping and I'm heading there too, to bed that is.  God bless you one and all. Thank you for reading this entry. I've enjoyed writing. And, please leave a comment, it let's me know you are out there and what you are thinking.  'Til next time. Don't forget to breathe now and then.

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