Trying to concentrate on my next book writing title "6 Ways to Regularly Get God's Blessings" takes discipline! Takes tenacity, perseverance and time! BTW that's the temporary name of the next book. I read somewhere from an established author that it's best if an author doesn't give out information about the next or current book that is in process.
The cool thing about this effort is what I'm learning about how tender God's heart is for those who heart who love Him.
And...I'm not entirely sure how the next one will be financed. I have thought I could step out and try to get one of the big 6 to publish it. Though I certainly am neither a known author nor a best selling author. Besides that, there are certain stringent requirements to even getting a manuscript in position to be even accepted or looked at or considered or even to get them to open an envelope with a manuscript inside.
Then there is a required person (I forget what that person is called) that makes sure what you submit is perfect and coaches through the entire process.
Besides doing it that way there is always a free book publish opportunity through Amazon and I haven't really looked into all the details with that. But of course I have to get further along with the book to do anything at this point. Anyway, I'm busy writing and also keeping up with my normal life activities. Which includes feeding and walking with Milo twice a day. Once after his breakfast and once after his dinner. That's daily.
I usually end up writing in the evening and even into the early morning hours. I'd say 65% is general writing from what I've learned as I study and research the topic and the rest is scripture which is the basis for the general writing. You know that if one wants to the scripture can support almost any point of view you take on most any given subject. There are those who put their teachings and sermons together in such a way as to support their opinion.
I truly hope that I don't do that. I'm aware of the possibility. I can't be totally positive that I don't do that but I don't set out to do things like that. There's a serious accountability I think, to writing about God and the scripture to be sure it's correct and not abused to support something that is not according to God's character. What I'm thinking about this line of conversation is that one can get so caught up in trying to convince a reader to accept their way of interpreting God's intent or meaning and that's when the scripture is found after the idea is written, to support the idea.
It is not hard to write like that. The next book is based pretty much on the first two commandments and 1 Corinthians 13. Those two scriptures (or three), are about God's kind of love. Oops, there I go, spilling the beans. Okay, that's all I'm going to say about the next book.
I have considered writing a biography but not sure what benefit it would be to the reader and I want whatever I might get published should be helpful in some regard. My life did a complete turn around in 1975 and from that starting point I've moved forward and have a purpose and there's a plan that is working and it will until I move on up.
May sound strange to some but as I get older, year by year, it is clearer to me that there is purpose and reason in and for my life and it's not just exciting but energizing and entirely fulfilling. I wake up knowing something is going to happen that day that will be totally outside my realm of expectations. Some in my age group are satisfied to do as little as possible on a daily basis. A few stay in their pj's most of the day, most days. To those I've talked to regarding daily activities and encounters with others have decided that that's just the way it is because they don't see that they have any usefulness left. Family has pretty much moved on in life and that individual has little or in some cases no contact from their immediate family. There has also been no expectation of future friendships to be made.
Just because the age numbers keep rising and the hair turns white and wrinkles have or are beginning to take over doesn't mean that life is done. I admire some of the ladies I've met who just keep moving, keep fixing their hair and face, even if their day is spent only in the garden or in a chair knitting or whatever it is they find to do. Then, when the weekend arrives, they are up and out on Saturday, yard sale shopping and come Sunday they are on time to Sunday School and Church with their Sunday best on and an eagerness to greet everyone they see.
I love the stage of life I'm in and I have great things ahead of me, both here and there. This is Judy in the cottage with Milo who, once again is on his round pillow asleep. I hope you had a good day and Blessings for Saturday and Sunday ahead. Good night