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When a senior widow starts a new week with Sunday...

 I've read about SEO's and have a vague idea of how that works in getting people to read my blog but, it apparently doesn't work for me...must not fully get it! Anyway, I'm back and writing and it's 9:02 pm August 27th. Went to church this morning. Then treated myself to a pedicure, nearly fell into a glass table because I missed a step getting down from the pedi chair. I didn't hit the floor, just thought I was gonna.  Then stopped at  Market Street and bought a peach cobbler and some vanilla  ice cream. Went to my friend's apt and had lunch and desert and left shortly. Got offended and then spent time in the muligrubs lack of control in life. Well, church was great, lunch was good, desert was exceptional and the pedi was wonderful and my toes are nicely pink. I was pampered.

I've been wanting and needing a pedi for a long time but have just continued giving myself one every month. This was a planned treat. I will go back to that place. The young lady who helped me was very good. I will make an effort to go every month.  And, I will ask for her.

Haven't done much else today. My knee was bothering me yesterday so I decided I should stay off of it. Walked Milo though. Staying off it means no heavy lifting, pushing and carrying. It's just a few short days 'til pay day so I have to bite the bullet until Friday.  I can do that. This week ahead will be about packing the car, pulling out more stuff to sell, regular house chores and tomorrow it will be about going over the budget and tomorrow mailing back the sim card to AT&T. by taking it to the post office.

Then I'll be looking for more to put in the yard sale. Walking by faith has a bunch of elements in it but for right this sec., just pray. I ate all the rest of the chocolate chip cookies. They were good! and now as I look at next week all I can think of is how it's gonna go. But then along comes the truth of it and that's faith and faith is just a knowing. So, I go forward with that thought, knowing He knows! and with that, everything is going to be okay.  For me, most of the time it's un-explainable

I guess it's suppose to be that way so that you aren't gonna start fretting. So, it's the beginning of a new  project of sorts. I started anyway. Really if almost then it's okay to reminisce a while you work. It's time for me to go through the writing and let it go until it's finished.

This post sat in the "draft" situation until this morning when I discovered I hadn't finished it. So, I'm gonna finish it and it's an update also. The yard sale was today and it went well. Rather than having it in my neighbors yard under the shade of a tree I moved it to my daughter's yard across town and boy was that a job.  Got up at 5 this morning because I had to feed Milo and take him outside besides getting myself ready for the big day.

At 6:30 my neighbor showed up with her car lights on and we went caravan style to my daughters house where another friend met us and the set up began at 0 dark 30...meaning it was dark out, very dark. Lots of labor involved. As soon as it was light enough I drove around setting out the yard sale signs of which there were 4. I had put the advertising on FB. 

It was a good turn out and we started closing at noon because of the heat. What was left unsold went back into my little car for the next time. Of which there is no plan yet. Had plenty of help so to say the least, I'm tired and I don't know why I'm still up because it's after 1 am.

My blog is not getting any attention...last one no body read. Guess I better get it figured out and fix the issue what ever it is.

This is Judy in the cottage considering a glass of milk and a cookie.


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