Saturday, September 23, 2023

 There it is...the front cover of my first ever book to be released soon. I'm just thrilled about becoming a published author at 79.  Would have never, never imagined that this could possibility become a reality for me.

I've been writing a long time but not for publishing. Mostly journaling over the past 10 years. I have written some stories but never published or even really thought it possible. And, yes this is a self published book. Let me explain...

Use to be there were publishing company's that would evaluate a manuscripts, decide whether or not they thought it would sell, hand the author a big check, publish the book with very little revenue going to the author.  Well they won't take a manuscript to even look at it. They won't accept a manuscript unless you are already a best selling author. Then there is a protocol to follow. 

Today, if you want to have a manuscript to publish you can but you have to pay up front or some will allow a payment plan. Your manuscript is received if it follows the publisher requirements. So for me to get published I had to have a particular amount of words. Mine exceeded 300K.  Then it had to be typed in MSWord.  

This type of publishing use to be called Vanity Press mainly because the author was charged a large amount to have the manuscript published. Not true anymore. Because the Self Publisher changed their way of publishing and the costs they are quickly becoming the best way to get a manuscript published. 

There are a couple of other options and they may all be free, I don't know.  Ebooks through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and there may be others. You can always google and find more information.

So, for me it was the best choice to find a Christian Publisher first then look for the least expensive I could find and then contact them to see what i would have to do. My next move as it get's closer to release is to arrange publicity for it's release and I don't know anything about that..

Very shortly I will be finding out what I need to do and how to do it...I'll be doing a post about that when I know anything....

It's Saturday, I'm in the cottage with Milo and it's not yet noon in Lubbock, Texas with an afternoon temp of 98...that's hot!

Hope you have a good weekend....later

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