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Of course, I've got it all together!


Though some days it feels like my life is all about the book. BTW, I really like my cover design. I'm pretty sure the publishing cover team will find something better but until then this is it.  Anyway, as I was saying, the things I've been asked to provide haven't been that easy to accomplish. It has more to do with graphics now than writing and though I use to be pretty good at figuring things out when it comes to making pictures look good, etc. not anymore. It's all way outside of my understanding. So, it takes all day just do one thing and that's the least amount of time. It's a good thing I like figuring it out until I can't!

I wanted to put my goose painting in, but it doesn't fit their software so now I'm considering doing a black ink drawing in a small enough size that it can be used. Gonna work on that this evening and see what I can come up with. It'll be on multimedia paper.

There is more of my life that the book though, really. There's this little guy. Though he's small and a would be lap dog, he doesn't spend much of his time in my lap. Not really his fault though. I don't stay in a chair long enough.

His name is Milo and he's about 2. Marked like a Doberman and built like a Doxie/Chiwawa deer headed/long haired dog. Smart little guy and very obedient. Never had a pup so eager to please. I have a cousin who is in the horse business of breeding and rodeo roping training business. So, visited the barn and will be back. Didn't get the pictures I wanted for art. Besides adventures with animals, I spend a good amount of time with friends in my age group. We take care of each other in many ways and mostly encourage each other in the stage of life we are living and thriving in.
If you are in a younger age group, I want you to know that contrary to what is in the news about health issues of the aging that is certainly not all there is to growing older. There is as much living left to be done as ever. In some respects it's lots freer and more laughter if you want it. I know for me it's really up to me and I choose to keep on living whatever state I'm in. There's good everywhere I look and I look for it everyday. Forgetting about the physical lack there may be and capitalizing on the wonder of every day.  Blessings...I'm Judy in the cottage, nice and cool on a Saturday afternoon.


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