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Looks like it's a deal!

 Tomorrow I will go over the agreement with the gentleman that I've been talking with over the past month. If all is in order I will initiate with a small payment and the publishing process will begin. I will post again tomorrow.

I've talked with several other publishers over the past few weeks and each one has been gracious and actually fun to talk with. Finances is always the deal breaker up until now. So many varied offers that it's a bit difficult to decipher. So, during this time I've had to pay attention to details and almost read between the lines in some cases to be sure I'm getting what I want in each category.

Getting the book out where people can find it is the big deal. Just because the word distribution is in there doesn't mean it will be distributed and in some cases it's talking about the author doing the distribution. So when I visit tomorrow that's a box I will need to pay attention. In fact, I'm going to make a list before the call so that as things are gone over I will be listening for the items on my list that are of concern to me.

I just thought of that. It's a terrific idea. Anyway, I think this publisher that I will be talking to is the way for me to go and will give me what I'm looking for at a price I can afford with a payment schedule I can do.  I believe he said the book would be out before Christmas and apparently that's good marketing strategy.

I do want to say that this has been a different kind of venture that I've ever attempted before. There are so many choices I was unaware of. I looked into publishing free on Amazon but it didn't seem to cover all the things I want. I believe this writing is really good and relevant and important for people to read. I believe I've said things in a way that will impact behavior of the reader and those the reader talks to about it. The book is an attempt to change behaviors that have been in position in most everyone's life for generations.

If I don't choose the right distribution methods, then it won't have as far a reach as I think it needs to make an impact on the whole body of Christ. Every denomination and every non denomination. As well as those Christians who do not go to a brick and mortar building to fellowship.


This is my design of the front cover. I don't know that the publisher will work with this or suggest a better cover. I do know that the cover is a really big deal. So of course I want what will cause people to pick it up. That's the first step to getting them to read what's inside. 

So! For this post...I'm done. I'm so excited about the happenings of tomorrow, If there is anyone out there that is reading my blog, I hope you feel the suspense too...

Once again, I'm Judy in the cottage, expecting 101 degree heat in SW Texas. Stay cool out there.



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