Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Step by Step

 The manuscript is ready for a publisher. I'll probably be sending it in a few minutes for their first look-over. This is when they decide to work with me to get it published. This is one publisher. The other's I've talked to don't want to see it until I send money with it.  So this publisher is first. First rattle out of the box this morning I took three hard copies to Fedex to be bound with a black plastic spine. I should get them back by the end of the day if not sooner. One of them I will keep, one will be given to a possible source of funding and the third will be for others that I want to read.

Did I say I'm expectant? Well I am. Don't know what I'm expecting but it'l be something and it will be soon. The publisher I'm sending to, will let me know something within 5-7 days, and that will be whether they want to publish my work. So, I'm trying not to get silly about this, but...

In the mean time, what ever that means... I'm working on an outline for a second book. You know what? I'm not even sure the first is going to go anywhere and here I am with a second one already in my head. What's that about. This is also Christian and not a novel so that means it's non-fiction. It is not a behavior and thought process that needs to be identified and changed as in the one that is yet to be accepted for publishing. Is this normal?

Anyway, the second is more of an explanation  of often misunderstood words used in scripture by the current day Christian community. I'm going to try to start out with an outline with chapter content identified and even know the ending. How 'bout that?!

How about this, if you are in your 30's and you are reading this, you probably think I'm old at 79.'s the thing about aging, at least for me and many of my friends. From about 65 upwards, we seniors work at living with aches and pains, surgeries and medication, learning to walk with a cane, walker, rolling in a wheel chair, gray hair, no hair, wrinkles, dentures, partials, etc., etc., etc.. And, that takes unrealized courage and boldness.

We have, those of who choose to do so, decided to "live until we die" as fully as we possibly can. So, we keep on keepin' on thinking, doing, imagining, considering and willing to take a leap outside our comfort zone. And, it's a blast!

That's it for today. May God bless you and keep you. I'm Judy in the cottage on a hot Texas Summer day of 103 degrees.

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