Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Something to talk about

 I decided after looking at the reports on visitors to my blog that I have to make some changes. I'm checking in to how to make my blog look interesting and how to get it in front of folks that would to read and comment. People who will get something out of their time spent on my page.

Then there's the matter of subject and purpose for putting what I want to say on the web. Of course with the consideration of who is my target audience. So, I've got some research to do and then make the changes real and applicable to my reason for having a blog.

If you want to go with me in this I will tell you what I'm doing and finding out along the way. Discovery can be interesting and really good. So, I'm heading out to accomplish my tasks to get this blog read and commented on.

In the mean time I'm currently waiting for a phone call about the manuscript. Didn't find out anything yesterday and was deferred to 10am today. So, I'm waiting.

Until next time...I'm Judy in the cottage, cool and comfy, away from the Texas heat.

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