Monday, July 10, 2023

It's nearly ready!

     It's true. I'm still working, no editing the book. The title has changed a few times but unless the publisher comes up with a better idea it will stick. Not quite ready to reveal it here but I'm thinking pretty soon. The book will be around 100 pages and it's a non-fiction with some fiction added for interest. The genre is Religion/Christian and the subject is gossip.

    The idea is not new but the content is different than what I can find already published. I'm doing it in the Hybrid manner which is self publishing because I put money up front. That's another issue...the money part.  I'm working on it now but I may have to do letters and other methods to raise the funds to get the book published. I believe in it's message and hope I can get it out in the hands of people. It's a message really to all of us humans which is to do no harm to the people that seem to be the subject of our conversation when they aren't part of the group or other person we are talking with.

    I've heard that some authors put segments of their writing in their blog so I might do that. First I need to do some research. It's all new to me. I've been writing all my life but never seriously considered trying to write a real book for publication. My writing has been in personal journals and I've written about my life for my children and grandchildren. I've had other blogs and I intend to see if they are still out there and if so see if I can transfer them to this blog. Not sure if they are still out there somewhere among the stars somewhere and retrievable but I'll find out soon.

    That's it for now. I just wanted to keep posting so I don't forget which I've done in the past. I want to keep this one going. I don't think I've finished setting this one up because it doesn't look like anyone is seeing it. So, gotta check in to all that stuff. But, right now, It's getting late and my pup Milo keeps looking at me like, when are we gonna to bed?

Good night out there, it's really dark out here where no one sees me but it's ok. I'm thinking the best and still in the cottage, nice and comfy. Until next time, hope all is well with you and yours.

Judy and Milo inside our little cottage.

PS...I just reviewed my other posts and I see that I have been repetitious here so please just ignore what you already know from what I've said before. I've been editing all day it seems like so I'm just tired. I'll be better about that sort of thing next time. Thanks, you're swell!


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