Saturday, July 15, 2023

I'm kinda excited...

 I found an old blog and it's with "blogger".  I'm trying to figure if I can link it or add it's posts (77 of them). Anyway...

I've started several over 17 years and I didn't know how to preserve them. I'm on the hunt now for the others. They would be fun but probably more so for me.  I'll keep you posted on that!

Still editing and managed to get some of the corrections on the 'puter. There's way more and one copy is still out.  Whew!  I end up rewriting when I'm the one doing the editing. That's a good thing about those who are looking it over for me and fixing punctuation...they don't rewrite. 

I've been watching stuff on You Tube about writing and some of the folks I've come across are well known best selling authors and one is a professor. It's all quite interesting. Never thought I'd say something like that much less think it!  No matter how old you are or aren't, it's true that it's never to late to learn and even be interested in learning. This is amazing this trip I'm on.  I'm thinking if I, no wait, change that to when I get published I might just do a series of books. Kind of like this one and link them together somehow so that they can be called a series.

I heard one person (author) say that series writing is good for sales, that is the popularity of the books, because people get involved  and want to continue reading about the same characters. So, I might see if I can do that, if it will work since I'm not writing novels. That would be interesting. 

Well, I just wanted to give this update. It's Saturday evening and it's moving down from only 88 degrees today...that's here just south of the panhandle of Texas. Was 100 yesterday and 107 on Thursday!

Thanks for stopping in and reading. Hope the rest of your weekend is restful and just plain nice. I'm Judy in my cottage with Milo.  He's relaxed!!!

He's just a little guy, weighs about 10lbs and looks all prancie when we walk, ears sticking up straight and all!

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  Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...