Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A New Week with Great Anticipations

 Hello, anybody out there? All the reports I get...statistical reports looks like I am being read but still no comments. I will be checking on that to see if there is a setting I need to fix further. So, glad you are here and that you've found my blog. I hope you enjoy the reading of it and will check in to see whats going on with my endeavors.

Today, here in a few moments I will talk with another publisher and hopefully get to send the manuscript to them for review and consideration. Of course there is already one in the wing of whom I will hear from tomorrow. Both self publishers. Though once not thought well of, self publishing has moved up in those opinions. There are two types of self publishers as I understand and seem to be the best way for an unknown writer to get started publishing manuscripts. 

I have a couple of friends who self publish and they keep writing and keep publishing and their books are selling. So, I'm hopeful for good reports on the manuscript.

Over this weekend I did look into books on the subject of gossip and was able to read several synopsis' and though they sound good there is a good distance between their direction and mine so I'm hoping that will make mine publishable. Though a couple of them went into the harm gossip does, as far as I can tell, none address gossip toward the Body of Christ when Jesus comes back.

So my work takes the reader through today, personally as well as the effect it has in the church as we prepare for the return of Jesus. Did I mention that I have another project in the works? Just started the outline over the weekend. Hopefully it will be larger maybe above 200K, but we'll see about that. My thinking is if the writing I've sent for approval is accepted and they like the way I say things, then I'm good to go for another book.

Got about 5 min. before the call I'm waiting for so, I'll be back after to report.

Had a great conversation. The rep from this publisher has the manuscript to read and she will report back when she has read it and give her opinion on the writing style if there is one and lots of other things she sees as she reads.. I'm excited about that. So today is the day I find out if the publisher I sent the manuscript to has decided whether or not they want to publish.  Waiting on pins and needles....Suspense LOL

Later, this is Judy in the Cottage with Milo.

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