Sunday, June 18, 2023

So She Says!

 She being me, don't ya know! It's late and I should have stopped writing an hour ago but I'm here instead....writing.  The process of writing a book is way more than I thought but, I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm gonna write until I have nothing more to say and because I didn't find out how to do this before I started, I'm kinda moving backwards in the process.

I've decided to finish the manuscript first and then go back and get it in order as far as I know how to. And that will be based on the information I've found on the web. Then, I will look for an agent.

If I find one who is will to look at what I have, then I'll go from there. I'm guessing I follow his direction in what I need to do to get my stuff ready for an editor to look at. Then after that I don't know. I'm sticking this out because I believe in what I have to say and I think it is timely. But that's just me. Part of me things it won't make the cut, but the optimistic part of me says just do it and see what happens.

So, that's what I'm doing. The book is non-fiction and the subject is gossip in the Body of Christ, the church. There are lots of books already out there but I think the way I say things and how far I go with it is different.  I'm still researching that part.  In the event nothing happens with what I've wrote it has sure been good for me personally.  

Maybe I'll share some of it another time. This is my second post. I did find the first one after some effort. It's ok...I'll learn.

This is Judy in the Cottage...If you read this, please leave a comment or say Hi. It would be nice to know you were here.


Deidre said...

Hi Judy! Can’t wait to

Anonymous said...

Love it! Dorene


  Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...