Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home.

It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a super charge in it's meaning. That's the case today. Though my living companion is Joey the orange tabby, he's part of the reason home means more than usual. Another reason home means more to me today is that I've been away since February 17th and came home this past Saturday morning 16 days according to my fingers. First it was early morning hospital sign in then time in a staging area with a curtain waiting for my turn in surgery. Then flat on my tummy on a special table I'm told for the lower 4 & 5 spine fusion. Five hours later woke up in ICU where I stayed until released to a rehab facility for a week. Then finally home to Joey.

I have staples in my lower back and a second incision a bit to the left for a special tool used in the process.  A bit soar with lots of rules for not moving in such a way to damage the incision. And a walker.  The worst of it all is over I think. In a couple of days I go see the surgeon for a post op appointment and probably removal of the staples of which there are plenty.

Experiencing all sorts of sensations not necessarily pain. Hope the Surgeon has a good explanation for all of them and hope it's normal. So, having said that I'm determined not to worry about those sensations for now. Lots of things happen to a body during surgery that no one really talks about. For instance once your body is opened up air enters. The air can cause pockets throughout your body like bubbles. That's why when you wake up after they....the nurses or someone...gets you on your feet and makes you walk so that the air will leave. Interesting!

Lots of other things happen too. I woke up to bruises in the oddest places. Some are obviously from the needles they place under the skin for stuff that needs to get into the blood stream in  a hurry. But some are of unknown origin to me. I have questions for the doc.. I don't know abut you but I don't like the idea that I'm 'handled' while unconscious though I do give permission. I don't think about it too much.

Well, I'm home now and today at 9 a home health person comes to tell me how they will help me for the next 2 weeks. Don't know what to expect but I'll be happy with whatever is offered.

While I was in hospital etc., Joey was being visited everyday for a minimum of an hour. During that hour he was entertained and entertaining, was loved on, fed and otherwise attended to. When I got home he was absolutely glad to see me but expected me to leave after an hour. To his surprise I'm still here and he has calmed down and is semi-calm for a 10 month old.

Home. I'm home. Kids come everyday to do a bit of housekeeping and check on me and bring stuff if I have need or want. Otherwise I stay in my robe and slippers. Now that's something that sounds good but not so much. It's to be expected though so since I don't have the energy to do much more than sit in the recliner, I'm good.

The main thing is, I'm Home.

yup...Judy at home in the recliner in her robe and slippers posting. Hope all are well and really like your Home. Bless you each and every one!

Monday, February 10, 2025

You know it's February When...

 That's me alright...I volunteered to do a craft for children's church because this is missions' month and a missionary from Vietnam is coming and they needed a craft the kids can do having to do with that country, so I volunteered and chose to make a hat the farmers and regular people wear in the fields and around town. This is my first try at figuring out how to do that!!! 

This month of February is packed full of things to do and I'm already exhausted! Not only the craft that I will help the kids within March (it's in this mix because I started working on it in February). 

I also volunteered to organize a support group for widows in my local church and I started that last month, and it actually starts in March. However, guess who busy figuring it is all out and getting volunteers to help and writing and copying and handing out copies and keeping the leadership advised and holding meetings weekly.... on and on and on.

Not only am I doing the organizing and meetings but will be speaking most of the 10 sessions when it starts in March. Of course, that means writing 20-minute presentations for possibly 6 total of the 10. The thing is I absolutely love the challenge and the process, though it does have challenges now and again. I believe the outcome is going to be great. 

And then there's the back surgery scheduled for the 17th in the mix of all the above of which I may be laid up for 3 days but not driving plus using a walker for some time. And not picking up more than 5lbs. Ugh! While attending the sessions and giving presentations every Tuesday for 10 weeks. No worries with the surgery though, the arrangements are made to feed the cat Joey and pet him a while. Family will be with me in the hospital through however many days I stay. Hoping if any it's 1. Plus checking in on me at home until I'm self-sufficient. Oh, forgot I'm not supposed to drive either. 

BTW just so you know the name of the group is "A Widow's Window". I just passed my 19th year and thought it would be a piece of cake. Silly me! It does bring up memories, but I think they are helpful in this process. Nothing I cry about, but I do remember and actually it's helping as I work with other volunteers who will be facilitating with me and also in writing my own presentations. This is tough though for those I hope will attend as well as those of us who are also widows and are preparing our testimonies of how through God, we are alive and well.

I must admit that in my effort to start from nothing except my own clerical experience along with past organizing many different kinds of people gatherings I just jumped in and started typing. It's just now that I came across an article about how to start a widow's group for the purpose of support and helps for those like me. I have new information to add to what is already in place and one thing is that I can see that the group I have envisioned is much too limited and someday will be lengthened to more than just one hour. But though I didn't see that, I've kind of figured that would come in time. I do believe that what will be the first attempt at such a ministry at my church will grow into the kind of group I just read about, and I hope that it does. In the meantime, I'm geared for what has evolved in the planning and team building stage and hope it will be the start of a fruitful ministry for the widows in our congregation today and those in the future.

Hope with me, will you?  This is Judy at my computer working on getting ready for tomorrows team meeting for "A Widow's Window". God Bless you One and All.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Marching Orders-proof 80 is not too old for new things!


A new selfie!

2025 and new is happening. I'm so thankful! Change is everywhere and seems to be a really good thing.
I get to help build a widows ministry at the small church I go to and I'm very excited about it. In fact it's an answer to prayer for me. I lost my footing when I lost my husband and thus my life. Everything in my life was put in a brown paper grocery bag and severely shaken and when the contents were poured out it has taken years to re-organize all those bits and pieces.  It's actually been 19 years. I've made several attempts to get back into some semblance of normality but it just hasn't happened until now.  In 1987 my beloved and I began life in full time ministry as pastors. We were in our very early 40's at that time and our family was grown and on their own so it was just the two of us.  I lost all of that in the beginning of 2006 when my husband left this earth.

It wasn't as though we had life long friends in the ministry so I really didn't have any ministerial connections to continue life as a licensed minister. Therefor it just fell off the world and me with it. Just didn't seem to be a place for me and I felt like a has-been/never-to-be again. No matter what door I knocked on no one answered. Time. I believe it was all about time, and now it's time! 

One problem I see is that I'm not really outgoing or a self starter in the manner needed to be bold enough to push and push for something.  Even if I truly believe in it when it comes to getting positive encouragement versus negative results. So I've tried a little here and a little there throughout these years and finally I appear to have a green light that will use my giftings and abilities in the church. I'm delighted and hope I actually get it done with the help of others. Leadership is a funny thing ya know...if no one is following then guess what? You aren't a leader!

I'm in the early stages and am building a team to get the ministry done by early Spring. So much to do and so much information to gather and all the ways and means need to be in writing pretty quickly and ready to go in just a few short weeks. But...I believe it can be done and there may be things that need to be tweaked along the way but I truly think it's gonna be a really good addition to this small church, and even the community.

It's truly a new opportunity in so very many ways.  A New year, New President, New possibilities for this year both in my world and in my life and I hope that's true for you. It's good to dream and it's good to have aspirations and hope for the rest of today and tomorrow. The beginning of a new year is perfect for all the ideas of the past and maybe it's time for old hopes to be refreshed and take this opportunity to consider new possibilities for old dreams....Just a thought.

Happy January 2025...I'm still Judy and still writing. God bless you and your new endeavors whatever they may be.  

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Me and Dentistry


I've never, ever met anyone who likes to go to the dentist, not ever. Having said that I feel much better. I guess everyone has a story about why they don't like it. Mine stems from an early childhood experience having a baby tooth pulled without any kind of numbing. My memory is a bit fuzzy of course it would be after around 70+ years. As I recall the dentist was old and big in stature.Certainly was not gentle or seemingly caring. He just did it! No numbing or words of compassion prior to the event.

Whether or not the way that visit to the dentist went is a true memory I'm not positive but I think it is. Zip forward to today I am presently recovering to 6 extractions of the remaining upper teeth, mostly in the front. That took several injections before and during the session. Almost afterward an upper denture was inserted along with gauze to bite on and I was out of there

It's the beginning of the third day and the pain is present and very much felt. The backstory is this: My Daddy had dentures and as I was growing up I use to say that's what I wanted was dentures then I wouldn't have to go to the dentist.  The day the dentist told me I needed a full denture I balked knowing that meant extractions and healing and getting use to a full denture. This is after wearing a partial for years. Guess I finally got what I wished for all those years. 

The denture teeth look fine so no complaints there. Is there a lesson about what you wish for? I don't know about that but I do know I'll be wonderfully glad when the pain and soreness is gone for sure. And, here's hoping the denture fits well when it's all said and done.  The nice thing is I don't think I'll have to visit the dentist as much. Yay for that part. As unpleasant as it can be it's also terribly expensive.

Did you know that dentist fees are not regulated? That means each dentist can charge whatever they want to and that's why if you shop around for the best price they will all be different and not even within the same range.

Now, just so you know, I've had some really good dentists along the way and this particular dentist was not bad so I don't want to give him a bad report at all. It's not his fault I had to have teeth removed. I take full responsibility for not caring for my teeth as I should have and I knew to do. So, it's squarely on me that I had to go through all the years of dentistry. I knew/know better but I didn't do better.

Why in the world would I blog about this? Unpleasant as it is it is part of the Senior Life and that's what my blog is basically about.  It's what we all deal with. Some like my Mother never had dentures of any kind. She was very proud that she still had her own teeth until she left this earth. My grandmother also had her own teeth at least mostly. She did have some spaces among her back teeth.

I thank God though that I could get the work done and still have teeth even if they are removable. So, are dentists bad? No, they are necessary and I'm thankful for what they can do.  I just don't like to have to go sit in the chair.

The best part though is, I will have a good smile and will be able to eat. And that's good, isn't it?

By the way, I'm Judy in my cottage and it's early in the morning at 2:30 am writing this post. Thanks for reading such a post as is part of life at 80. Blessings as you sleep.

"UPDATE: It's a done deal and now I go in for an adjustment next week and maybe another one later but things are going well for the most part. Recovery was a bit testy for the first few days but I made it and even though I'm still not on real chewable foods that is moving along too and it won't be too much longer before I can eat what I want. Been drinking my meals and have lost a few pounds which is a nice side affect. When it's all said and done I plan to take a picture and post it then."

Saturday, November 30, 2024

I Was Tricked by Fraud at Christmas...again!

                                                            5 Target gift cards at $250 each...

This is Judy in the Cottage and I fell for an elaborate fraudulent setup. It cost me  $1250. This is real and it's now and very scary and I was clueless until this morning at 10 am.

It started yesterday morning. I opened my laptop and was in process of downloading a KJV Bible from a reputable website. All of a sudden the screen changed and a voice along with flashing headlines that said things about "Your IP address has been compromised along with your cell phone and financial data. Do not close this window or turn off your computer. Immediately call Micro Soft fraud department at....................... 

I looked at the screen over and over again, turned the sound off trying to decide what to do. Several times the statement "do not change the screen or turn off your computer, immediately call ...................................

After a few minutes I called the number on the screen. I talked with a female who introduced herself as a representative of Micro Soft Fraud customer service. She asked me several questions about why I was calling and what was on my computer screen. She went through the scripted description of what had happened to my computer and that all my personal information had been compromised including my phone which means the conversations were being listened to but she had isolated my call and we were on a secure line. She talked about the IP address and all that had that address was involved in the compromised. My IP address would have to be changed and she was already working on that and asked about the name of my bank which I told her. She told me that she was not allowed or authorized to ask me for information regarding my bank account and I would be transferred to the fraud department at my bank.

My call was sent, or so it seemed, to a man introduced himself as Travis Johnson, and h gave me his ID# and his phone number in case our call dropped I could call him back or if I had questions he would be happy to answer them.  I made note of all the information he gave me.  He told me what would have to be done and first there would have to be a duplicate transaction at the bank. In other words another withdrawal from my checking account in the same amount as had already been made and that was necessary for the bank to get the original deducted amount duplicated so that that amount could be recovered.

He then gave me instructions on what to do. I was to go to a grocery store that sells gift cards and buy 5 cards from one of the 3 merchants he suggested. Amazon, Target, and Soma. I was on the phone with him in the grocery store and told him I found Target cards. He asked what denominations they were for and I told him what the card said $10-$500, He directed me to get 5 cards and go to the register and put $250 on each one of the 5 cards using my debit card. Be sure not to tell anyone what I was doing and if asked the cards are for gifting to family. So I did what he said and left the store with the purchased cards.

When I got home I was to call him. I did and he asked me for the numbers on the back of each card which I gave him after scratching off to reveal the numbers.  He then told me that it would take until in the morning for the bank to process the second deduction to get my money back in my account and that he would call me at 10 the next morning which was this morning 12-30-24.  I waited for 10:00 am and the call didn't come so at 5 min after the hours I called the number I had been calling to talk Travis and the number rang and then went to busy and then some other sounds. I hung up and tried again and the same thing happened again.

I hung up again and called my local bank and talked with the mgr and he said it was fraud because the bank would never direct anyone to buy gift cards. He asked if I had given the numbers off the cards and I said no. After I got off the phone I remembered that I did give Travis the numbers off of the gift cards.

The bank mgr had told e to call the fraud number on the back of my debit card and I did. I spoke with Crystal R and she described the process and asked questions for the claim she was taking for me. She told me that it would be 5-10 business days before a determination would be made and whether or not money would be returned to my account!

The balance left in my account is what I spend on groceries in a month. Nothing left for rent or any living expense bills, gas for my car and the amount I had budgeted for Christmas.

Part of me cannot believe I fell for the scam. I say that because about 4 Christmases ago I was scammed for $4000.00 through my Discover charge card. I reported the fraud but did not recover any of the funds. The set up was entirely different then. This time it was much more elaborate involving Micro Soft and hijacking my phone call from MS and presenting as my bank. I got names, ID#'s, phone numbers and full names in some cases.

The part that was the same was the purchase of gift cards and the giving of the numbers off the cards to the man of the phone. And not telling anyone what I was doing but to say I was purchasing the gift cards for family gifting.

I am posting this as a warning. They were sneaky the first time and they got better at it this time and I fell for it. I truly hope the right people read this post this season. I don't know if I'm going to get the $1250.00 back or not through the bank. It was my Social Security check, the only money I get each month. I choose to believe that "no weapon formed against me will prosper..."Psalm 91 and that God will make a way where there doesn't look like there is a way today. I know He will.

This is Judy in the cottage on the last day of November of 2024 and I'm sorry to be posting this story but it's true and it happens so be aware and if it involves buying gift cards don't do it!!! no matter who they are or who they say they are.

UPDATE 12-18-24   I was not able to retrieve any of the money that was taken from me and here's why. The bank would not or could not get the funds back into my account. I HAD authorized the purchase of the cards I was told to purchase. Because I willingly authorized the purchase it didn't matter that I was tricked or that I didn't get what I was told I would get which was the money that had been debited to my account that showed on my online bank account at the time of the event. The fact I was scammed didn't make any difference because the fact is I purchased the gift cards willingly.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Once and Again...Selling when you aren't a seller! Ugh! or


The Craft Fair I've been crafting for happened and it's over and I'm not doing much for the last day maybe two.  I'm not going to sign up for another craft fair tomorrow morning.  I didn't make the sale quota I was looking for so I have found another opportunity which happens at a local church next Friday and Saturday but decided not to go. 

WELL...this was on hold, meaning sitting as a draft instead of being, I clicked on the draft to see why it is a draft and here I am.  It's a draft because I didn't go back and finish it.

Finishing the draft ...I just said that to introduce the completion of the post I didn't post. It's 3:14am on a Monday morning November 11, 2024.

The craft fair was a bomb. I know, that's probably why I didn't finish the post the day I started it or the last day of the craft fair. First there weren't very many vendors and that was a disappointment. This was my first appearance at this annual craft fair. Lots of advertising and flags plus signs out and about but few attendees outside of the residents. As a result I didn't sell enough to pay the expense of the crafts I made and to top it off I now have an abundance of crafts in boxes in my apartment.

After having time to consider the next move, I haven't decided yet how I'm going to sell all the stuff I made.  I have put a few items on Marketplace on FB but that's as far as I've gone. Only 1 bite and that's all it was. So beginning this week I will be posting more stuff. It doesn't hurt anything to do that and maybe some will sell. Beyond that there are options at other markets and even a garage sale or two. I do need to get with it though if I want to get rid of what I made before Christmas. And I do!

I had investigated an opportunity for the following weekend at another craft fair but the booth rent was to steep for me at that time but there are many popping up all around because of the season we are in so it will take effort but there are other possibilities. I will probably wait though until after Thanksgiving.

My great grand baby is coming for Thanksgiving and I'm busy making a stuffed lamb for her. It is her Christmas gift to give her at Thanksgiving so I can see her open it. She will be 5 months old. I already made a cloth book that is just pitiful but I will give it anyway. Mainly because she won't care what the imperfections are of it's appearance. It's titled "Mazie's Farm" and as you might imagine it contains cutouts of farm animals and a barn and tractor...each cut out and sewn on the pages. The reader is to make the appropriate sound as they point to each critter throughout the 4 pages. The page colors are bright and that's good but the sewing is, well it's shall I say lacks perfection?  She won't care. I have to buy some cloth paint to put the title on the front. "Mazi Visits A Farm" or something like that.

To make up for the lack in a "well done" cloth book, I'm making a stuffed lamb. It's coming along pretty well and should be together by tomorrow sometime. I'll make this post a draft so I can add pictures of both. That'll be fun. I think! Not sure this is gonna work but hope you can watch the book display page by page. First time I've tried to add a video... trial and error.

I feel a yawn coming on so maybe I can sleep a little before time to get up. Hope you enjoy this part....'til the next one...I'm Judy in the cottage playing around on my blog!


  Joey learned to watch TV while I was gone from home. It's March! The 5th to be exact and I'm Home. Sometimes that word gets a supe...